Carnal Desire: Rebirth

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                                                                  Chapter one// Act one

Eddy was strange; his parents knew it from the day he was born. He had a weird looking birthmark in the crease of his hip, which marked him as unique.

It wasn't until he was five that it had merged into something - which was strange on its own since birthmarks didn't change shape - but what it had merged into was even stranger.

It was a name: Brett. No one knew why he had a name perfectly engraved into his skin. All he remembered was that he was sitting in his older sister's lap as his mama examined it. Belle lightly stroking his hair, a huge grin on her face. She had leant down to whisper in his ear, "It must be the name of your soulmate."

Neither of them knew what that was but they had heard it a lot. Mostly in teen disney drama's, which were always correct, duh. Eddy wasn't too concerned though, he had better things to do like playing with his dinosaurs on the piano.

When he was nine he started to have weird nightmares. They were centered around him, but he was much older. It always started with him being shrouded in darkness, he would look around frantically, calling out the name stained on his skin until he felt hands grabbing at his ankles, arms, throat, covering his mouth or anywhere else they could grab. Then he would be pulled into something, all sight gone and only a suffocating sensation filling his lungs. After that he would wake up screaming. This dream reoccurred every night.

It wasn't until he was ten, where he had seen his first glimpse of the man he was calling for. The same dream reoccurred but this time as the hands started pulling him down he caught the sight of eyes. They were warm brown and almond shaped; all he saw was sorrow and pain in them. He called out that name one more time.

He didn't wake up screaming that time but crying. Eddy had cried for that person he didn't know, they seemed to be so hurt.

By the age thirteen those dreams had stopped, only a fleeting memory was left behind with the tang of emptiness that it had left inside. He had lost all hope of knowing what they meant or who the person was. He even started to think the name on his body had lost meaning. It was just a strange coincidence or really just some weird birthmark. Well that was what he thought, it could be easy to believe if it weren't for the boy who had sat by him in his math tutoring: Brett Yang. The boy with sad almond shaped eyes. He played violin too! It must have been fate. Eddy was sure of it. Given the name he had on his body didn't have a last name so it could be any Brett. However, the kid had the same eyes as the one's he saw in his dreams. He wondered why they always looked so sad but never asked. He only felt the eyes linger on him with something unspoken, but Eddy felt like he could understand to a certain degree.

He really thought it was destiny when they met once more in the same youth orchestra. It was a start of something new, something exciting and something balancing on the line of scary. What did this all mean?


Eddy ran out the front door of his house with a sloppily packed backpack in his hands. A wide grin spread over his face as his eyes caught the red sleek looking Cabrio sports car that had just pulled in at the end of his driveway. A familiar man sitting in the front seat, messy black hair, sunglasses covering sad almond eyes, a cigarette hanging from rosy pink lips and sun-kissed skin clad in a leather jacket, most assuredly in leather pants as well. It was none other than his knight in shining armor: Brett Yang. Or knight in gleaming leather in this case.

"Edward Chen, you get your useless, ungrateful ass back here!" A short but burly man clambered out of the front door; he had a folded belt in his hand. Apparently his son just turning eighteen didn't mean Eddy was too old for a beating. This was a beating that Eddy didn't plan on getting. No way in hell was he going to go through that again. The last time something like that happened his back was covered in welts and hurt a whole week. He was lucky to not be covered in scars like her.

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