Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The evening was calm and the night as well.

The next day came and went and as the same day before they stuck more together, basking in the warmth of the other. The third day after their spat, almost everything was like before.

It was still morning and after a successful hunt, they laid next to each other like every other morning.

Brett played with a strand of Eddy's hair.

Eddy giggled to this, Brett was so cute sometimes. Which was an amusing thought on its own, considering that Brett was in fact a demon and would kill someone without hesitation if he had to. So Eddy mused to himself about it and smiled because he was lucky to be that somebody who got to see Brett like this.

Brett would only be that nice to Eddy. Only Eddy was worthy of his kindness. The rest of the demons got polite nothingness, maybe a bit more, but in the end, only Eddy would ever see him like that.

He bent his head to kiss Eddy on the forehead and stroked over the soft and fluffy mane.

"I think I found Belle. I have at least a lead. I will go tonight to a club to gather more information. I wanted you to know. She could be very, very close."

In the last couple of days, Brett did a bit more research and looked into the matters a bit more, and yes, it was definitely Belle Chen. He could even see her for a split second, so he was sure of it. But he thought it was better to meet her alone the first time, but Eddy shouldn't know that. Brett only wanted to clear the path for his lover and not let it end in a tragedy.

Eddy did not expect that kind of news in the early morning but it was welcomed news. A beaming grin spread across his face as his eyes lit up a tad bit in something akin to excitement. This was indeed good news. He could be able to see a past family member that he truly cared about, not just see but reunite, "That's awesome, you're a really good tracker it seems."

"Thank you. I want to approach her tonight or the next one to make really sure," more like to spare Eddy the heartbreak if she really forgot about him, "and then I would say, you guys can meet up. What do you think about that?"

"It sounds good to me, if you want to verify your lead," Eddy smiled, it was always best to verify things before getting too much hope up. Except Eddy already had his hopes up so he really hoped that it turned out to be true, "How old is she even now?"

Because he saw the glow up of Eddy's face, he was felt right in his decision. Yes, he was glad he checked it first.

"She seems around mid twenty to end twenty I guess. I only saw her a really short time, but she looked good. Well fed, even happy. So yeah, I would say, lemme check it out tonight and I will get back to you per phone, okay?"

That was a good plan. If Belle remembered everything, he could just shoot Eddy a message; the second car they had in the garage had already the address inside, so it would be easy for Eddy.

"Okay," Eddy nodded, trying not to headbutt Brett as he did so. That wouldn't be a pleasant feeling for either of them. It would be very painful if he so happened to accidentally knock their noggins together, "Are you sure you'll be fine on your own though?"

The elder probably would be, considering he had gone out alone and had been fine all the other times. However, Eddy felt like he should just make sure.

"Yes, I don't want to disappoint you, love. I want to double check everything so it will be perfect for you. You deserve perfection after all," Brett pressed a kiss on Eddy's forehead one more time, "Anyway, it's still quite a few hours to that. What do you want to do in the meantime?"

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