Chapter 10

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                                                                                          Act 3 

Autumn leaves fell to the ashen grass, covering its dark hues with reds, yellows and oranges. Fall was a lovely season. The trees were dying and becoming bare yet they did it fashionably. It reminded the young Succubus of the skies colors on the day of his departure. That was most likely that this unlimited limbo of his mind's design resembled such a season. He sat on the branch of a broad oak tree, looking towards the sky that looked more like a galaxy with a red filter over it. Life was a strange thing he thought, as he closed his eyes. He often liked to think about the past, or what he could remember of it when he waited for his one and only companion. More importantly he liked to think about her. She was still only a child that wore such sorrowful eyes. What a strange thing really but it made it all the better when he could see her smile.


Belle was anxious. The demons around her had promised Eddy would come today. They got that from their brother, Brett. The same Brett she saw with Eddy before she... left him.

She had her hands interlaced and was kneading them. Her teeth abused her lips as she looked up and down, but saw no other soul.

Then a very bright light appeared and the demons were grabbing at it, trying to hold it down.

Only a few moments later a dark mist was around the bright light, caging it in. Before Belle saw what really happened the light burst and Eddy was there: In his all new glory. Brett took on a misty, but still corporal and humanoid form. Except the big ass horns he had on top of his head. The red eyes were looking at her brother and he held his hands.

Gently he floated them to Belle - the only bright soul in a sea of demons. She was an easy pick and they have talked a lot of times now so they were familiar.

Brett smiled at her and nodded to Eddy.

"He is turned. He will open his eyes in a minute or so."

Belle nodded and took one of her brother's hands. Her eyes were wet and she rubbed over them. She didn't want to cry, but it was so long ago when they last saw each other, spoke to each other. Her hand gripped tightly around Eddy's watching him flutter open his eyes.

"Hello little brother."

Belle was still the teenager she was when she ended her life, and Eddy was now a man. That was strange, but still, it was her younger brother.

"It's me, Belle. Do you remember me?"

Eddy couldn't help but smile as his unfocused eyes finally focused on her face. His head kind of hurt but he did in fact recognize the younger girl in front of him. How could he not? She was his sister after all, "How could I not?"

He asked softly, as his features softened even though his head was pounding like he had a hangover. He wondered how long she had been in this place? He also hoped that she hadn't been lonely with all of these demons around.

She smiled brilliantly and the first tears rolled on her cheeks. Stepping closer, she hugged him and buried her head against his broad chest.

"Oh Eddy, I am so, so sorry. I didn't want to leave you with them, but I couldn't...," a hiccup disrupted her sentence and she looked at him teary eyed, "But I couldn't live with it anymore. They wanted to send me to... to another facility. I knew I wouldn't survive it. I am so, so sorry. Oh Eddy, I'm endlessly sorry!"

Eddy furrowed his brows,who were them? He only could only think of shadowy figures in his mind, he didn't know who they were though just that they were probably administers of pain. Which was easy to piece together with the way Belle cried and spoke, then his memories pertaining to her. He decided not to question that, all he needed to know was that they were bad and drove Belle to this.

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