Nothing will go as planned if it's planned

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To his dismay, Eddy woke up at 7:30 am. This just wasn't right! It was their day off, for crying out loud. The pesky dormies next to Ray's and his apartment were playing their ear-bleeding music for who knows what reason!?

It was an unholy hour to be up at on a Saturday. He used his fist to bang on the thin wall.

"Some people are trying to sleep here!"

He made sure they could hear him over that rapping garbage. Of course it resolved nothing, and one of the idiots just shouted back through the wall.

"Get wrecked, bruh!"

Eddy could literally scream from aggravation - maybe he'd have to hunt down the RA or his safety scissors to snip some appendages. In the end, he slipped out of bed to see if Ray's room was any quieter.

Ray's room was a disaster.

Notes and books were strewn around, most of the pages were crumpled and Ray sat at his desk and slept in what must have been the most uncomfortable position possible. He even still had his pen in his hand. Ray snored loudly, simply sleeping through the ruckus their idiotic neighbours made. But it was also quieter in his room, to boot.

Eddy sighed, shuffling over to take a blanket from the bed to drape over his friend's shoulders before slipping the pen out of his hand. That's about all he could do, because there was no way he could carry the elder to bed. It gave him an opportunity to steal his roommate's mattress to try to get a few more hours of sleep.

After half an hour or so, as Eddy was sleeping deeply, Ray startled awake.

He yawned and looked around. His neck hurt like heck and some stupid music came from somewhere. He shuffled into bed, still so sleep deprived he didn't notice his best friend laying there.

As he laid on his side, his subconsciousness realized there was something warm with him in bed and he grabbed it and pulled it to him. In his cuddly manner, he pressed the warm person flush to his chest. His wandering hands slipped under Eddy's shirt and over his chest, keeping the boy close.

His other hand slipped underneath the loose sweatpant Eddy wore to sleep. Now content, he sighed and was out in a second, not noticing he was basically molesting his friend in his sleep.

Eddy grumbled something in his sleep, feeling warmth spread across his torso. It made him think of Brett - maybe he had come back for him? He liked that idea, and he even liked the touch. It made him feel like he was wanted. Wanted more than the others that were probably way better than him. He mewled softly, trying to move so he could feel 'Brett' better.

Ray felt his warm water bottle move and sighed. Then he pressed again, this time with both of his beefy arms. He started softly kissing the neck in front of him and slid his hands underneath the underpants he felt.

He pressed his still soft dick into the crease between the buttcheeks. His member slowly filled with blood, making it hotter and larger.

Ray let go of the soft flesh of the neck and slowly blinked his eyes open. His mind was still in the woozy place between sleeping and being awake. But he did know two things: he had a dick in his hand and a butt on his dick. Perfect, he thought. Slowly starting to pump the dick in his hand, he sighed again, kissing the skin in front of him.

Brett had touched Eddy, but this had never happened before. The warm tingling sensation immediately plummeted to his nether region. The hand also felt bigger than Brett's, those long fingers wrapped around him with ease gently tugging his dick to life.

"Hmmmmm," he made a sound of pleasure - but something was very wrong with this scenario. He pressed back into the man, feeling something long and hard pressing against his ass. What even was that? He didn't have much time to think about it, though - he had bigger problems than what was pressing into him. Eddy recognized that muscular build, and it definitely wasn't the demon he was so fond of.

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