Chapter 3 - Gone

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Word Count : 2552


Reese chuckled at one of Ben's jokes, though he honestly wasn't sure what Ben had just said. He was just trying to get through the pain and pretend nothing was wrong. His chest ached like he'd been beaten by Thor's hammer, pain pulsed through him with every heartbeat, radiating out through his body like a jolt of electricity. His wolf had not stopped howling since it happened, Noah was going crazy, grieving, and crying for his lost mate.

They were sitting in their private game room in the pack house. Ben, Drew, and Callum were playing call of duty and arguing, Zach sat watching, rarely saying anything, while Adam sat across the room staring out the window alone. Reese kept looking over at his friend and he was getting a little annoyed, Adam was acting like he was the one who lost his mate today instead of Reese, even though Reese was trying to play it off like nothing happened. Reese knew Adam was pissed at him for doing it, but he didn't have to act like his world was the one that just ended over it.

"Hey." Callum said to Reese. "Sorry about today man, sorry you got the shaft so bad. No way I would ever think you'd get stuck with a shitty loser mate like Harper."

Reese tensed, it pissed him off that Callum spoke like that about Harper, even though he himself had said as much right to her face when he'd rejected her.

"Shut the fuck up Callum!" Adam shouted from across the room. "Just shut up, you douche. How can you talk about your own sister like that? You know what? You guys are some fucked up assholes. There's nothing wrong with Harper. Not a damn thing. She's a sweet, smart, pretty girl, she's never done a goddamn thing to you or anyone else. Her and Celie both, everyone's been treating them like shit for no damn reason and I'm tired of it! Leave her alone! Haven't you fucking put her through enough?" Adam had been furious when Callum had bragged to everyone about what he'd said to her when she came home after school. "You said that shit to your own sister, kicked her when she was down. What did she ever fucking do to you to deserve that shit? She's your fucking sister, you, of all people, should have her back, but your worse than the others! If I had a little sister, I'd always have her back, I'd protect her with my life, no matter what. You want to see a loser? Look in the goddamn mirror!"

Adam got up and stormed out of the room, leaving them all staring after him, stunned, but he didn't get far before they heard a voice through the link.

Reese, can you and the boys come to the office please. Alpha Lucas said through the mind link, causing Reese to tense and exchange an uncomfortable glance with the others.

Reese was dreading facing his parents, his mom and dad loved Harper like their own daughter. They would have been thrilled to the moon if they knew Harper would be his mate.

"What's up, Dad?" Reese tried to play it cool as he came through the door of his father's office, but one look at his mother's face stopped him. She had tears in her eyes clutching a small piece of paper in her hand.

"Have you seen Harper?" Luna Sophia asked immediately. "Have you seen her since school let out? Do you know where she is?"

"No, I haven't seen her since this afternoon." Reese said, his stomach clenching. "Why?"

"She's gone!" Luna Sophia cried, not noticing Reese flinch. "She's missing, I can't find her anywhere, her phone is off, her room is empty, all her stuff is gone, and I found this note in the kitchen."

Reese took the paper from her hand and he felt sick before passing it to Callum whose face went white as a ghost, Adam looked at Reese with absolute fury in his eyes when the note came to him.

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