Chapter 2 - Rejected

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Word Count : 2196


Harper was relieved when the last bell rang, she'd made it.  All she had to do now was get out of here without running into anyone or seeing anyone.  She cautiously stuck her head out of the library door, sniffing the air, trying to catch a hint of the smell that had been nagging her nerves all day.  She caught a small whiff of it, but it was very faint, indicating that whoever it belonged to was nowhere near.  She was slipping out the door when Celie approached smiling so widely that her face looked like it might split open.

"He's here, Harp!" Celie said excitedly, "I caught his scent a few minutes ago and it's heading toward the parking lot, come on let's go find him!"

"C, I know you're really excited, but my stomach..." Harper trailed off, she needed to get out of here before she ran into hers, but the look on Celie's face stopped her.  Celie was her best friend, she couldn't let her find her mate alone, all she could do was hope her own mate was nowhere around Celie's mate.

"Please Harp?" Celie said. "I need you there for moral support!  Don't you want to see him?"

"I do, Celie." Harper said, giving it one last try "But maybe you could just bring him by the house after you two hang out for a bit, I don't want to intrude, you should have a few minutes alone."

"No, Harp!" Celie insisted. "I need you there with me."

"Celie, please don't make me go out there." Harper begged.

But Celie just grabbed Harper by the hand and headed out of the school.

Celie stopped, excitedly scanning the parking lot, her head lifted, taking in great breaths of the amazing scent when a hard voice said.

"Oh Goddess No! You have got to be kidding me."

Harper's stomach clenched, bile rising in her throat, she knew that voice, she knew the scent, she knew what was about to happen.  But she straightened her spine and turned slowly, glancing around at all the people now staring at them.

Reese Crawford, soon to be alpha of the pack was staring at her.  His dark brown hair messy from running his hand through it, and his chocolate brown eyes, squinting at her, his full lips pressed into a hard line. His eyes moved up and down her body and stopped at her eyes, for a split second, there was something, almost like happiness, but then they turned hard and cruel.

"This is fucking ridiculous!" Reese practically shouted, people were already staring at them, but his loud words brought them even more attention. "An ugly pathetic loser for a mate.  Really?  No, I don't think so."

Reese shook his head, a disgusted look on his face as his eyes moved over Harper again.

"I, Reese Bryan Crawford, reject you, Harper Angelina Young, as my mate." Reese yelled in Harper's face.

Harper stood perfectly still; it took every ounce of will power she had not to show any reaction.  She just stared at him for a few seconds, the pain flooding through her chest took the breath out of her so she couldn't respond.  But when she was finally able to pull in a deep breath, in a calm, steady voice she said. "I, Harper Angelina Young, accept your rejection."

Reese's eyes widened in shock and he grasped his chest and staggered back from the wave of pain that hit him at her words, Zach grabbed his arm to keep him from falling.  His wolf was going crazy, howling in pain, bucking against his control, trying to take over and go to his mate.

Harper felt a small surge of satisfaction watching him stagger, she'd shown no reaction, but he'd been nearly knocked down by the pain.  She lifted her head proudly, and turned and walked away, ignoring the laughter, the spiteful names called at her, the insults.  Tears pricked her eyes, but she refused to let them fall or even gather in her eyes, she refused to give those sorry wolves the satisfaction of seeing her pain, she refused to give them more reason to laugh and insult her.  Her wolf was absolutely silent, she didn't even howl or try to reach out to her mate, Ria was devastated, but she would be strong for her human and not give in to the pain either.

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