Chapter 42 - The Moon's Plan

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Word Count: 5070

The girls all followed Lorelai into the house, hunted down their bags and changed into their shorts, tank tops, and sandals to enjoy the rest of the party. It was still relatively early and werewolf parties tended to last all night long. Celie was surprisingly perky and energetic despite her serious injury, Harper had been expecting her to be worn out early in the evening, but it appeared that the copious amount of vodka that Celie was drinking was keeping her going. Harper couldn't help but feel sorry for the hangover Celie was surely going to be suffering tomorrow, but there was nothing to be done about that. Celie would likely start drinking again as soon as she woke up, but by tomorrow night, most of her pain would be gone, and barring any other battles or injuries, Harper should be able to take her stitches out the day after. Celie would still be sore and need to take it easy for a few more days, but the majority of her healing would be done.

Harper was now on a mission as she stepped back out into the courtyard and she was not looking forward to it. But hearing about what Finn had just gone through made her willing to push her irritation to the side and seek out the one person she'd been avoiding like the plague. After making a circuit of the lawn she spotted Adam, Reese, and Callum sitting on a bench near an open space where some small children were kicking around a beach ball.

"Reese, can I talk to you for a minute?" Harper asked as she approached.

Reese look up, shock clearly on his face before he smiled and jumped out of his seat.

"Of course, Harper, what's up?" Reese said.

"Can we take a short walk?" Harper asked as she stepped away from the others.

Reese looked confused but followed her little ways away from the others.

"I wanted to ask you about maybe taking a potentially temporary pack member for a little while," Harper began. "You said you have a male breeder at your pack now, and many warriors looking for mates and I was wondering if you'd mind taking another in, at least for a short while to see if his second chance is there."

"Of course we would, there's a male breeder here?" Reese asked.

"Yes, he's a good friend of mine, his name is Finn. He's a sweet guy, no one realized he was a breeder until last week, he found his mate, got rejected, and went into heat. I think getting away from here would be good for him, I know rejected wolves want to be as far away from their rejectors as they can get. If you have a male there who has been through the same thing as him, I think it might be nice and comforting for him."

"Yeah," Reese said, a pained look on his face. "Getting away is probably going to be best for him. Did he accept the rejection?"

"Yes, he accepted it immediately," Harper confirmed. "He hated the male he was mated to, the guy was a grade A douche bag, but he got an attitude adjustment a few minutes ago." Harper could help snickering at the thought of Thomas's beating.

Reese's eyes widened.

"The guy who just got his ass handed to him by the future Luna was the one who rejected your friend?" Reese asked.

"Yup," Harper giggled. "You can't imagine how hard we all laughed about that once we got into the house. Karma bitch!"

"Actually, I can imagine how hard you laughed," Reese chuckled, then turned serious. "So, I guess it's really official for Celie and Eden now, huh?"

"Yes, it is," Harper confirmed with a sympathetic glance at a dejected Adam sitting with Callum. "They're completely in love; it wouldn't surprise me if she marks him soon."

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