Chapter 48 - Making Plans

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Word Count: 4510 

Everyone was sitting in their seats at the round table in the courtyard and the meeting was about to get started. Celie was proudly wearing a tank top with no sling even though the scars on her should were still vivid, she didn't care, she was healed and could use her arm again and wear something other than a tube top.

Jenny was going to meet Cole at around ten pm and they needed to have a plan for the meeting, it was very possible that the shit was going to hit the fan tonight and everyone wanted to be ready. Porter and fifty of his warriors would be surrounding the entire area, Eden, Matt, and the siren warriors would be waiting a few hundred yards out on rental boats to jump into the water the second he was sighted. They decided the sirens would stay out of the water until they had confirmation Cole had arrived, that way they would not be scented by any tritons before they were in the area. No one could imagine Cole would actually go to the meeting alone, he'd go onshore to meet Jenny alone, but he would have protection in the water waiting.

Celie would be onsite but was given strict orders not to join any battle that might happen, she was there to whisk Jenny away before she could get hurt. Celie was relieved, she'd had enough of fighting tritons to last her a lifetime. She would fight them if she needed to, but she didn't want to suit up and run into battle if she didn't have to. She had no illusions about herself, she knew she could protect herself, but she also knew she was no warrior.

Harper would also not be joining the battle as she had to drive the boat that would take Eden and his warriors to the site, then she was to immediately leave and return to the dock so there was no chance of her boat getting swamped by tritons. Since she and Matt were the only ones with experience driving boats in the bay at night, she was the only logical choice. It didn't make her happy, and she argued fiercely against it, because she wanted to go with Celie and make sure she was alright. But Porter had assigned two of his best warriors to protect her and Lorelai promised she would be taking a position near Celie and Jenny where she could get to them quickly if there was a threat.

They were still arguing over assignments when the young warrior ran out of the house again and pointed toward the spring pool, letting everyone know the triton was back. Eden tensed and moved protectively to Celie's side with an annoyed look on his face that made Celie smirk to herself.

"You're jealous," Celie mind linked Eden in a sing song voice which only made his scowl more intense while widening her smirk into a smug smile.

It took a few minutes, but the triton approached the courtyard cautiously while they all waited, not going to him or escorting him, but letting him come on his own. When he made it to the corner of patio Celie smiled and waved at him, motioning him to come over to where she sat.

"Hi Bo," Celie said, cheerfully. "How are you today?"

Bo looked at her confused for a moment.

"It's a greeting," Celie explained. "We say that to each other when we see each other after a while to ask if you're having a good day or if you're doing ok."

Celie had realized quickly yesterday while they ate together that while Cole had taught the tritons to speak, he'd not taught them anything about actually interacting with each other.

"Please come and sit down," Celie said after another few seconds of Bo just looking confused.

After he was seated everyone just sort of stared around at each other until Celie rolled her eyes.

"I guess I'll lead the discussion," Celie said. "So, did you see Cole?"

"Yes," Bo answered.

"Is he going to attack us again?" Celie asked.

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