Chapter 26 - The Coming Storm

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Word Count: 3965

Saturday night Ara and Sagan had accompanied the Key's pack back to Islamorada to get settled in and Matt and Eden did patrols around Key Biscayne. Though they did pick up a few small traces of scent, the waters seemed to be clear of tritons and everyone's worries eased a little.

The longer they went without a sighting the more reassured they became that maybe the tritons who had come ashore had only been part of a small local group. Since they'd lost so many they'd likely retreated to lick their wounds, realizing they didn't stand much of a chance against the sirens and their allies. By Monday morning, everyone was bracing for the storm and cautiously gaining hope that the worst of the triton attacks were over.

The hurricane was a solid category two, and while that was very concerning, it had veered to the east enough that it was not considered a major threat to Florida and no evacuation order had been issued. There were still major warnings for the area, because even though they would not face the storm head on, the island was still going to get a major lashing and those who could evacuate were advised to, just to be on the safe side. But Matt had built the house to be virtually indestructible to anything but maybe a direct hit from a category five, so they were secure in staying. The house had double cinderblock construction, steel frame and roof, and quadruple pane windows with shatter proof glass. It had cost him a near fortune to build it, but they never worried about storms coming through and hadn't had to evacuate yet.

Of course, Harper, Matt, Celie, and Eden were staying put, and Porter even insisted on staying with them, though they suspected it was mostly just because he wanted to see the hurricane close up. Being born and raised in inland Florida had given him both a healthy respect for and fascination with one of mother nature's most destructive forces.

After much discussion Alpha Lucas, Reese, and Adam had decided to remain in Florida for the duration of mating season. Even though the Everglades and Keys' packs had promised warriors to help patrol and guard the house, they felt it was necessary to have at least a few warriors onsite at all times. And though Alpha Lucas was retired, he was still a warrior in his prime, and of alpha blood, so he was far more formidable than most wolves half his age.

Luna Sophia and Callum would return to the pack after the storm to make sure everything was running smoothly there until the others returned. The pack could only go so long with the gamma in charge before other packs would start considering them weak. Luna Sophia had proven herself a formidable leader and Callum would step into the beta role beside her. But the situation was temporary, as mating season would only last for a few more weeks.

Though they weren't thrilled about it, Harper and Matt had decided to have everyone stay at the house during the storm. If it had been up to Harper, she would have left Callum, Reese, and maybe Adam at the hotel and only invited the alpha and luna. But she knew it would be petty and immature to do that, so she had agreed to extend the invitation to them as well.

Since the house was now full to capacity, Porter had been relegated to staying on the fold out couch in the rec room, but being a teenage boy, sleeping on a couch was no hardship to him. He was just happy they were letting him stay instead of sending him back to the Everglades packhouse.

Matt was outside working with the others to get the storm shutters put on the house while the girls were inside getting all guest rooms ready and setting their hurricane supplies out in case they lost power.

By the time it got dark, the winds had picked up and the waves had gotten choppy at the shore, so they knew the storm would be kicking into high gear soon. Harper and Celie were in the kitchen making snacks and getting ready for a night of riding out the storm when Celie stopped what she was doing and stood like a statue for several minutes before she turned to Harper with wide excited eyes.

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