Chapter 10 - Sent Packing

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Word Count : 5521


Harper watched Reese, Adam, and Callum file silently out the door.  With the exception of Reese's cryptic comment, they'd been smart enough to just shut their mouths and leave when she'd pointed.  She was ready to really let loose on them if they'd opened their mouths again.  She glanced over to see Matt grinning at her, she could see how much spiteful pleasure he got out of her kicking their asses.  He knew how bad they needed it and how long they'd had it coming. 

"Oh my goddess Harp!" Celie said, running out and hugging Harper with all her might. She'd been eavesdropping from around the corner after she'd made her dramatic exit. "That was totally amazing!  You body slammed them so hard, they are going to be feeling that for a looooooonnnnngggg time."

"I hope so." Harper said, staring out the door where they'd been. "I can't believe they came here to give us the guilt trip about how much they've suffered because of us.  What the hell?"

"Wolves seem like real assholes to me." Matt said laughing. "What was that macho growling bullshit anyway?"

"Oh, he's an alpha, when he says jump you're supposed to cower and beg for him to tell you how high." Harper said, rolling her eyes. "He expected me to stutter and apologize for not telling him I had a strong wolf, and he was mad you snapped at him, because no one snaps at the alpha."

"Why did he want you to stutter and apologize for not saying you had a strong wolf?" Matt asked, the intricacies of wolf society were beyond him.

"Because if he had known I was that strong he wouldn't have rejected me." Harper explained. "At least, that's what he's telling himself."

"Still lost." Matt said, none of this making sense to him.

"He regrets rejecting me, for some reason, not sure what that reason is." Harper said. "Probably a combination of two reasons, one, his girlfriend was a fake ass unfaithful bitch who his parents hated so much they had a law written to keep her from becoming Luna." 

Harper and Celie cracked up.

"And named the law after her!  Oh my goddess, I would literally kill to be able to go back in time and be a fly on the wall when she found that out." Celie said, laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

"Or two, he's sad because he will never get a true mate since he rejected me.  Awwwww" Harper stuck out her bottom lip and used her fists to fake rub her eyes like a baby crying. "I'm not a loser anymore, so I'm suddenly good enough for him."

"So he's consoling himself and coming up with things that would have changed it, like if he had found out she had a really strong wolf, it might have kept him from making the mistake." Celie tried to explain. "He might have seen her as better and if he'd thought she was better then, he wouldn't have lost her before she turned into whatever it is he sees now that's making him regret his decision."

Then Celie turned to Harper.

"You were never a loser Harp. Not for one second, you were as beautiful and smart then as you are now, not a single thing about you has changed, except you grew a kick ass attitude." Celie said. "Whatever made him change his mind is in his head, and it's not reality.  He couldn't see you for who and what you were then because he had his head too far up Charla's fat ass to see anything. Then his parents found out what had been happening and they smacked him and her down hard. So he dumped her ass and saw her for who and what she really was, then he felt bad for what he did because he was suffering for his mistake."

"I already thought he was a dick, now you guys are making him sound like an even bigger one than I thought he was." Matt said, shaking his head. "Baby, you are beautiful and perfect in every way, and I find it damn hard to believe you weren't always. Cel is right, you haven't changed.  What was that shit about the broken butterflies?"

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