Chapter 54 - Disney World Baby

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Word Count: 3768

Last chapter!

No one spoke as they all filed back into the house.  Celie immediately went to the bar and started mixing drinks as Harper handed out beers and poured wine for the elders.  They all needed a drink after that revelation.

"There's no telling how many of them are out there now," Harper finally spoke. "There's no way to find them, they could be anywhere, and it could be years before they come back or show themselves, and who knows how many they could recruit in the meantime."

"I was happier before she started answering my questions," Celie said.

"Are we sure she was telling the truth," Lorelai asked.

"Yes, I'm absolutely positive she was," Celie answered. "I don't know how I know that, but I know she was."

Just then they heard the door open and a few seconds later Adam came in smiling until he looked around the room.

"What happened?" Adam asked, his happy mood immediately falling away just by seeing the looks on their faces.

"Su and Cole had six sons that they sent out last winter to teach and recruit more tritons to their army," Harper answered.

"Oh shit," Adam said, as the implications of those words hit him. "We're fucked."

"We really are," Celie agreed, knocking back the rest of her drink before pouring herself another.

Everyone was silent for several moments, each turning it over and over in their minds.

"There has to be a way to find them," Harper said. "There has to be something we can do!  We just need to go over all our options carefully and come up with a plan."

"That's my girl. Think it through, figure it out, never give up, never surrender," Matt chuckled, putting his arms around Harper. "If anyone can figure it out, I know it's you."

"I'm not as confident as you," Harper sighed.

"I am," Celie said suddenly, and smacked her hand down on the bar. "We can figure this out! We have to, we don't have any other choice, so bitching and whining about it is going to do us no damn good at all.  We keep doing what we were doing before we fought them on the beach.  Nothing has changed.  Yeah, there are more of them out there, but we figured their whole species was evolving, this is no different."

"Celie is right," Eden said. "We assumed the worst before we met Jenny and learned of Cole, we keep doing what we had planned.  We notify as many sirens as we can, we keep our eyes open for them, we kill as many as we find.  We know more now than we did before.  We know for sure they are learning, they are communicating, they are coming together to fight us.  We didn't know that before, so we're still in a better position than we were in."

"Yes," Ara said. "We keep calling to our kin, we kill as many as we can, we stop being complacent, we wipe them out!"

"Before we go down the 'wipe them out' road," Celie said, glancing at Ara apologetically. "Just as Cole's spawn are out there recruiting murderers, there are probably just as many Bo's and Vall's out there trying to survive.  Those two never wanted to be a part of this, they never wanted to fight us or kill us.  They don't eat people, they never did. Vall grew up in a family, her parents were mates, there have to be more like them. What do we do with them?  How do we find them and help them?  I'm sorry, I want to stop them as much as everyone here, but I don't want to become them in the process."

"I agree," Mesa said, nodding. "I don't want to become like them either, and if we slaughter them without mercy, we will be no different.  We have always prided ourselves on our ability for peace and compassion, we cannot forget who we are. But we must not assume that every triton is the same as Vall and Bo, because very few of them are.  We must speak more to the triton Su, and more to the mates, we must find ways to differentiate the two without putting ourselves at risk."

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