Chapter 52 - Popcorn

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Word Count: 4252

Harper was drifting the moment her head hit the pillow, she couldn't remember ever being this exhausted in her life, and she'd taken double course loads and attended school through summers to get through college and medical school, then she did back-to-back shifts during residency. In those days she'd been lucky to get three hours of sleep a night, her werewolf genes, stamina, and Celie's support were the only things keeping her going.

Sometimes she wished she hadn't been taking so many classes and been in such a hurry to become a doctor because it had taken her time away from Matt. The first year they dated, she was lucky to see him for a few hours a week, and during those times he was usually just watching her study or nap. He hadn't seemed to mind though, he'd just been happy to be with her, and he understood her drive to accomplish her dream. Still, she thought about the year it had taken, and how they could have been together more during that time. This war brought that thought back to her mind, all night her mind went back to it, if anything happened to him, she would always regret not spending every second of that year with him instead of killing herself with school and residency.

Then there was Celie, her rock, her biggest cheerleader, her most avid fan, her one and only true family. Celie was the person who loved and believed in Harper more than anyone else ever had. The one person who never doubted, never faltered, and never failed. This war had done a number on her friend, so many times in the past few weeks, Harper had almost had heart attacks because of her. Watching her get yanked off the boat, then seeing her covered in blood, clawed nearly to death, and tonight, Harper had spent all night worrying that Cel was out there getting herself killed trying to protect everyone else and never thinking about her own safety. Because that's what Celie did, she loved, cared for, and protected everyone before herself.

"I thought you were going to sleep," Matt's voice whispered into her mind, making her smile.

"I would be sleeping if my mate were here with me," Harper replied.

"I'm on my way," Matt chuckled. "The tank is another brilliant idea, as I knew it would be the second I heard it. I'll never cease to be amazed at your ability to think critically at the most unusual times. Meh, sewing up a triton after a battle, I'll just think up something none of us thought of in the last month like it's nothing. Just another day in the brain of Harper."

"I can't believe I didn't think of it before, but in my defense, not once have we discussed capturing one, because we didn't know they could talk," Harper said.

"True," Matt replied as he opened the bedroom door.

Harper smiled as Matt leaned over and kissed her.

"I'm going to take a five-minute shower, then I'm snuggling in," Matt told her, drawing back.

"That's all I needed to hear, I'll be asleep before you're finished," Harper said, and promptly dropped off.


Eden carefully opened the door and was greeted by the sound of Celie's soft, even breathing and he knew she was fast asleep. He took a moment to look down on her as he stood at the edge of the bed before taking a quick rinse. He'd seen her face in his dreams for years, but he'd always believed her to be some image created by his loneliness, some ideal mate he would never find. He would never forget the moment he stepped onto the patio and saw her the first time. His heart had nearly stopped in his chest, and he could not take his eyes off her, his living dream. She said he never showed insecurity around Adam or other males, but just because he didn't show it, didn't mean he didn't feel it. A part of him had been terrified every time Adam approached her, but he'd held on to his dream, not allowing himself to doubt she was his. Though he often doubted himself, he never doubted her, and he knew in his heart she knew the way to him, so he had waited, knowing she'd never let him down.

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