Chapter 30 - Movie Night

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Word Count: 3897

Everyone dispersed and the visitors were shown to their rooms as the couches were made up and Harper and Celie got PJs and more clothes for everyone.

"We're going to have to go clothes shopping tomorrow," Harper said. "We're going to be running out soon."

"Target here we come," Celie laughed, as she folded a load of clothes she's just pulled out of the dryer and stacked them neatly in the basket.

Then out of the corner of her eye she saw Sana eyeing Eden and she felt a wave of possessiveness bubble up from her stomach. She played off sorting a pile of clothes and listened closely when she saw Sana approaching.

"Hello Eden, might I speak with you?" Sana asked, smiling coyly up at Eden when he turned to her. His pleasant expression cooled a little when he saw her smile.

"Hello, Mena, is it?" Eden asked, and watched her eyes narrow slightly when he seemed not to remember her name.

Celie felt a spike of humor and resisted the urge to snicker.

"Sana," Sana said a little stiffly, but smiled sweetly again. "I cannot tell with the human clothing you wear, but I was wondering if you are mated?"

Celie stiffened, her humor vanished and anger began to take it's place, how dare this siren chic start hitting on Eden the second she walked through the door. Who the hell did she think she was?

"I am not mated," Eden replied, then paused. "Yet... But I have an intended mate."

Sana's smile vanished and her brows drew together in a slightly annoyed look.

"Ah, I see," Sana said, "that is unfortunate."

"Not for me. I don't think it's unfortunate at all. I'm blessed and I'm grateful for it." Eden shrugged, turned, and walked away, ignoring the narrowed eyes burning holes into his back.

Celie smirked to herself and hid it by biting her lip, but she glanced up and saw Porter grinning at her with a raised brow. She felt her cheeks heat up and he widened his eyes and blinked at her. The boy came off as goofy, but it was all a façade, because nothing got past him.

Celie returned his wide eyed look, then quirked a brow in Sana's direction, giving him a mischievous smile.

"Maybe you could keep being promiscuous for a little while longer, Port," Celie whispered as she passed him.

"I might just do that, Cel," Porter snickered, then winked. "But only as a favor to you."

"I knew I could count on you," Celie giggled.


The next morning Harper, Celie, Sana, Mena, and Hera went shopping, and they ended up buying so many clothes Harper had to call Matt to bring his work truck to load the bags and bring them back. Harper cleaned out four different Target stores, and two Old Navy's of everything they had, she figured they were probably going to be getting a lot more siren guests and she'd rather be prepared. It also never hurt to have extras around, and she could always give them to the packs if they ended up not needing them. Werewolves were notorious for ripping their clothes to shreds so they knew nothing would go to waste.

Then they had another truck load of supplies from the grocery and liquor stores.

Porter called the pack and made arrangements to have full patrols so everyone else could have a break and enjoy movie night.

Celie and Porter gathered an enormous array of snacks and drinks and piled onto the rec room couch and argued over which movies to watch while Eden sat laughing at their antics. He'd immediately dropped onto the space next to Celie and casually draped an enormous arm over the back of the couch behind her and rested his hand on her shoulder. Celie hid a smirk when Sana came in, her eyes narrowing when she saw Eden sitting with Celie, and she sat on the other couch with her arms crossed over her chest with an irritated look on her face.

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