Chapter 51 - Progress

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Word Count: 4470 

Editing in progress, please let me know if you see any huge grammatical errors.

Matt opened up the throttle and raced across the bay as fast as his boat would take him, he could hear the second speed boat driven by Alpha Michael right behind him, he had to swing south to round the island and he realized it would take him longer than he anticipated to reach the inlet of the canal leading to the spring pool.

"Harp can you hear me?" Matt sent out a call through the mind link.

"Yes! Mattie, I hear you. Are you alright?" Harper asked, her voice frantic.

"I'm fine, Baby, I don't have a scratch on me. Not one." Matt reassured her.

"Oh, thank goddess, I've been freaking out." Harper responded. "How is everyone else? Celie said someone was hurt?"

"Celie is back?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, she got here a few minutes ago," Harper said. "Bitch stopped at taco bell and didn't get me anything."

Matt couldn't help but chuckle at Harper's irritated tone.

"I'll get you as much taco bell as you can eat tomorrow when this is over," Matt told her. "Jae, and Neval are hurt very badly, and Laro is seriously injured but he'll heal quickly. The others have some serious scratches, but they are fine. Ara, Sagan, Eden, Winter, and Mesa have no injuries whatsoever, they tore through the tritons like they were made of paper."

"Ara and Sagan are impressive, and Eden is...well...Eden is damn near indestructible," Harper snorted. "Thank goddess Laro is ok, Mena can't suffer another loss. She's been inconsolable since Sana died, I was surprised when she went out to fight, but I guess she wanted some payback for what they took from her. Can't say that I blame her, if Cel had died, I'd have torn every triton I could find apart."

"How is Celie?" Matt asked.

"She's fine, a little banged up, there's a pretty bad scratch on her side, but she'll be healed in a day or two, nothing like last time," Harper answered.

"And Jenny?" Matt asked.

"Bruised up, scared, and seriously traumatized, but ok," Harper answered. "Bo, Vall, and their baby are ok too. We put them in the big tank and Vall latched onto Levi like he was her own child. They were shocked to find a triton baby here but understood when we told them whose baby it was. How far out are you?"

"A few minutes, we'll be in the water at the mouth of the spring soon," Matt answered. "Are the tritons still there?"

"Yes, we can still see them moving around in the shadows outside the courtyard, and there's definitely one swimming around the pool," Harper replied.

"Are Porter and Lorelai back?" Matt asked.

"They're a few minutes away, almost to the bridge to the island," Harper told him.

"Did Celie tell you about Lorelai?" Matt asked, slowing the boat as they neared the inlet.

"What do you mean? What about Lorelai?" Harper asked.

"She's...different," Matt answered. "She can half shift, like we can, she tore Cole a new one. I've never seen anything like it, she looked almost like a lycan from the movies, only she was solid white."

"I knew she was different, I heard her tell Reese she merged with her wolf, and they were one," Harper answered. "The elders said that there are only three known instances of that happening in all our history. I knew she was stronger than any wolf I'd ever met, but I never imagined she was like that."

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