Chapter 41 - Attitudes Adjusted

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I'm on a roll! Three chapters in two days. :)

Word Count: 3523

"Oh. Shit." Celie gasped. But before anyone could say anything else, she grabbed Lorelai's hand and bound up the stairs onto the stage with a big toothy smile on her face.  Harper took one look at her and knew something was immediately wrong.

"Cel, what's wrong?" Harper mind linked her, glancing sharply at her, while also keeping a smile on her face as she stood near the podium where Alpha Alexander was starting to give his speech.

"Lorelai is Porter's mate!" Celie replied and heard Harper gasp.

"I told you not to tell her he was a slut!" Harper cut a look at Celie.

"Really? You're going to do the 'I told you so' bullshit right now?" Celie cut her eyes back at Harper but then snorted a little laugh. No matter how serious the situation was, she was still three sheets to the wind and the situation was so ridiculous that she couldn't help but laugh.

Celie eased a little closer to Lorelai and glanced at her until she caught her eye.

"Hey, sorry I told you about Porter's shagging around," Celie whispered and caught a twitch of Lorelai's lip.

"No problem," Lorelai whispered back.

"Please don't reject him because of me!" Celie begged.

"I'm not," Lorelai said.

"Celie shut up!" Harper whispered and elbowed Celie, causing her to squeak when Harper connected with her injured arm.

"Oh shit!" Harper gasped loud enough that everyone on stage and in the first few rows heard her.

Celie couldn't help but start snickering like crazy, especially since everyone had turned to stare at them including Alpha Alexander who had paused his speech.

"Uh...carry on," Celie said, and waved her hand regally.

Luna Penny and Luna Sophia both turned a look on her and then Porter snickered and had to bite his lip to keep quiet. There was muffled laughter coming from the audience, and Tosha was giggling like mad near the edge of the stage with Finn who had both hands clamped over his mouth.

"Well, now that Celie's antics have interrupted my well thought out and generous speech, we'll go ahead and get on with the bonding rituals." Alpha Alexander chuckled.

"MY antics?" Celie mumbled under her breath, shooting a glance at Harper who avoided her eyes and hid a smirk.

Alpha Alexander quickly motioned for Harper to step up to the podium, he took her hand and asked if she would be loyal and faithful to the pack, she gave her pledge, and he sliced her palm, then his own and held their palms together while he officially welcomed her to the pack.  Once the bond was sealed he invited the rest of the pack to welcome Harper and she heard all their welcomes in her head as the mind link snapped into place.

Next Alpha Alexander called Matt forward, he introduced him as Harper's mate, and repeated the pledge and bonding.  Matt swayed a little and shook his head when all the pack members voices sounded in his mind and Harper grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the side while he acclimated to having hundreds of voices in his head.

Then it was Celie's turn, she waved happily and gave a big smile to the laughing crowd as she took her place next to the Alpha and said her oath and was accepted and welcomed to the pack.

Then Alpha Alexander surprised everyone and called Eden up onto the stage.  Eden and Celie had only declared each other as mates but had not mated or marked each other so everyone except Luna Penny looked surprised as Eden slowly ascended the stairs to the stage.

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