☀01☀ The wall

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It was time to go home and Mukahi Gakuto was in a very good mood because he's got a girlfriend. He's so happy because his first ever girlfriend was his first love from a day ago! 

"Don't you think you're going a bit too fast?" When it comes to romance, no one was more of an expert than Oshitari Yuushi, "I know the girl is very cute, Gakuto, but don't you think it's best to start off as friends before jumping into a relationship?" 

"And to miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime?! I don't think so!" Gakuto was so certain she's the one for him! Yuiko's a very cute girl who actually have an interest in him, not Atobe! Finding a girl who was not contaminated by the Atobe virus was so rare! "Yuushi, I thought you would be happy for me." 

"I am happy, Gakuto. It's just I think you are jumping into something that will be hard to jump out of once you start regretting..." 

"Why would I regret?" 

"Didn't she go off with that blonde model?" Shishido came over to join into their conversation, "She is amazing; resistant to a model and resistant to Atobe. That takes a lot of power..." 

"Isn't she amazing then?! Yuiko likes me only!" 

"Good for you, Gakuto..." Shishido then realized something, "Doesn't that mean she likes girls?" 

"Huh? What do you- Hey!" 


His provoked anger was suddenly put to rest because Yuiko was waiting for him at the school entrance the whole time. 


"Want to go to the gift shop by the station?" 

"S-sure... Y-Yuushi, I'll see you tomorrow..." 

Gakuto walked away with Yuiko and left his blue haired friend alone with Shishido Ryou. 

"Gakuto sure is happy with his girlfriend, huh?" Shishido said to him. 

"Well, as long as he doesn't regret jumping in too fast, I am okay." 


Kise Ryouta had just finished his photoshoot session and he was waiting. He was patiently waiting for his senpai to pick him up. He really liked his senpai's Toyota Corolla, it's a really blue and his senpai was good at driving too. 

"Ah, Kasamatsu-senpai!" 

Kasamatsu Yukio, 20 years old, a 3rd year University student, a diligent person who was the former captain of Kaijou High school. He was the one who lead his team to become the nation's top 8 team and placed 4th in the Winter Cup. 

2 years after the event, he's a University student who moved to Tokyo and lived with his former team in an apartment. 

"Get in, Kise." 

"Senpai, Tokyo is a nice place, huh?" 

"Ah. Thanks for yesterday, Kise." 

"No problem! Yuiko-cchi totally had a nice time!" 'I am not going to tell him the part where I accidently lost her!' Kise will die if he were to say something regarding that...

"If I could have, I would have liked to go with her. She was really looking forward to spend time with me yesterday." 

"Aww, there is always a next time, Kasamatsu-senpai, Yuiko-cchi will always forgive you!"

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now