☀10☀ Studying at Kasamatsu's apartment

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"Kasamatsu-senpai, are you sure you are not coming?" Kise asked him again, about to leave the apartment.

"I am not leaving."

"Kasamatsu, you have been waiting for the movie to come out though..." Moriyama needed to make sure he wouldn't regret not going.

"It's fine!" Kasamatsu threw a cushion at him from where he sat, "Hurry up and leave me alone!"

Closing the door, everyone but Kasamatsu left the apartment.

"Why is Kasamatsu insisting to stay in? Is he ill?" Kise asked his senpais but they all shrugged.

"Where is Yuiko-chan?" Moriyama asked Kobori.

"She is coming back from school. I heard there is an exam she is studying for so she is staying in to study."

"Ah! Then our dear Kasamatsu must be staying in to help her study! What a good big brother!"

However, Moriyama only got half the story right about Kasamatsu; there's actually an existing reason why Kasamatsu needed to stay in...


"That exam will be hard..." Gakuto was not liking the fact there will be an exam because he's not very good at tackling them.

"It's okay, I'm sure we will do well if we study together."

"You are very optimistic. You really will help me? Yuushi gets annoyed when we study together..."

"I am sure we will be fine, don't worry about it." He smiled at her words, she's very cheerful and it doesn't seem like the exam will be a hard task if they were to study together. "We can study together at my house. Hey, I'll even cook you something to eat!"

"R-really? Wow, you're like a wife!"

"You think so?"

"I will propose to you!"

"Sure, I look forward to that day~." Gakuto smiled at her words and cheerfully held her hand as they made their way to her home for studying sessions.

"By the way, is your bro home?"

"Yuki-nii? He is watching a movie with his friends today." Her words made Gakuto very happy...

"Welcome home, Yuiko." However, Kasamatsu was home! What was he doing home?! Shouldn't he be out with his friends to watch some stupid movie?!

"Yuki-nii? Why are you home?"

"I wanted to help my little sister study, why else would I be here?"

'To block me from having alone time with Yuiko, you bastard...' Gakuto thought to himself, shifting uncomfortably.

"Yuiko, I think I'll go home and study-"

"Oh no! You have just got here! Please, pretend I am not here and feel welcome anyway."

'Why do your words and your expression differ?!' Gakuto was having a bad feeling about this! What should he do? Kasamatsu will be sure to make it hell for him! Wait, how did he know he will come over?! Was he a psychic or something?!

'As if I'd let this guy be alone with my little sister at my own place! He is 100 years too early!' Kasamatsu thought to himself.

After what seemed like an awkward meeting for Gakuto, Yuiko suggested to get all of the studying done at the living room.

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now