☀00☀ First love

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Could Mukahi Gakuto get any unlucky? He had lost both Shishido, Jirou, and even Oshitari! Where the hell can they be? 

"Oh man! I'm going to end up spending time at the festival all by myself at this rate!" It didn't help that he was tiny as well so he couldn't see above the crowds. At times like this, he really do curse his short stature. "I know!" He jumped up and he was able to see above the sea of people for a brief seconds. "Ugh...that is not helpful..." What's the point of being able to jump high if you can't even find your own friends in the sea of festival goers?!

Today was the local festival and four of the Hyotei members went to join the festival too. It all started well until Jirou excitedly went off somewhere else while shouting for Marui, who he claimed to have saw within the crowd. A frustrated Shishido went after Jirou in case he got lost or worst dozed off somewhere else. 

"I can't remember how I lost Yuushi!" And Gakuto couldn't remember how he lost his genius friend, "He better not be chasing some girl!" As he walked and walked, he can't find a chance for him to enjoy the festival at all; who would want to celebrate the festival all alone? Where was the fun in that? 


"Shit!" Gakuto bumped into someone and he ended up on the floor, "Watch where you are-" He couldn't finish his sentence because the girl in front of him was really cute! He felt cupid's arrow aim for his heart and shot an arrow of love through it. 

The young girl has steel-blue eyes and a red ribbon tied into a lazy ponytail. Height-wise, Gakuto was half a head taller than her. 

"I'm sorry..." The girl stood up and brushed the dust from her baby pink kimono, "Sorry, I am trying to look for my senpai and I didn't see where I was going..." 

"No! No! I bumped into you so it's my fault..." He was a little nervous but he played it off cooly.

"Are you lost too?" 

"Ah, my idiotic friends all ran off! Everyone just keeps going missing! I know! Want to be lost together? It's better than two people getting lost!" 

"Sure! That sounds great!" 

'She's got a very cute smile...' "I'm Mukahi Gakuto, what's your name?" 

"I'm Yuiko! It's nice to meet you, Gakuto-kun." 

"Eh? First name base already?" 

"Is it a problem?" 

"No! No! It's fine! I'll call you Yuiko as well...is that okay?" 

"Completely okay!" 

He doesn't know why but there's something about this girl that made this moment very refreshing. She's cute and she's got a happy personality to go with it; a perfect combination! 


Gakuto can't say he's an expert at the romance department but he does know how make a day fun. 

"You can't catch a goldfish like that." He watched her many attempts trying to scoop a goldfish end up in failure so he decided to help her, "It's all about speed! Like this!" The paper was intact and he was able to get two goldfishes into the bowl. 

"Gakuto-kun, that's amazing!" Yuiko was amazed by his skill that he managed to catch two golfishes at once. She was given the bag and the two of them moved onto the next stand. 

"Oh! They have takoyaki here! Let's get some!" He took her to the line of the takoyaki stand. The line wasn't too long so it was okay.

"I never had them before."

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now