☀02☀ Yuiko's boyfriend?

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Gakuto didn't get a chance to say a thing to Kasamatsu because the older saw the ribbon in Gakuto's hold. 

"Huh? So this is where it is." Kasamatsu took the ribbon from Gakuto, "Thanks, Yuiko has been looking for it for a long time." 

'Who is he? Why is he calling Yuiko by her first name? High schooler? No! University even! Who is he?!' 

Kasamatsu then took the ribbon from Gakuto and then shut the door before the other cab explain. 

'Crap! He is so rude!' 

Kasamatsu looked at the red ribbon with a smile on his face and he went to the bathroom to put on his clothes. He put on a tank top and a pair of pants before going into her bedroom. 

"Yuiko, wake up." Kasamatsu shook her but she was still sleeping like a log, "So cute... Get up from the bed right now!" His loud voice was able to make Yuiko sit up on the bed in an instant. 

"Huh?! Wha?! Are we under attack?!" 

"Yeah, you're gonna be late unless you get going for school! Your friend is waiting out there." 

"Huh? Really?" 

"And look." He held up her red ribbon and a bright smile appeared on her face, "Your ribbon." 

"You found it!" 

"Actually your friend found it. Nice to know you are making new friends already." Kasamatsu then sat on Yuiko's bed and started tying her hair in the lazy ponytail, "Don't lose the ribbon again." 

"I promise I won't~!" 

"Kobori made your bento as well, make sure to thank him when you're home tonight." 

"I will." 

Yuiko got herself ready and she's ready to leave for school. However, when she opened the apartment's door, nobody was there. 

"Didn't you say I have a friend here?" Yuiko asked him.

"I did." 

"Huh..." Yuiko decided not to ask any further and started making her way to Hyotei


For the whole day, Gakuto couldn't stop sighing or concentrate on anything. He was trying to figure out who the guy in Yuiko's apartment was. 

'He's tall, looks more like a man than I do... Why did Yuiko choose me over him?' Gakuto was getting a little insecure. 

If others were to point out he looked like a girl, he would tell them to fuck off because he's got tennis skills to shut people up. However, he can't help but feel out of the league when he compared himself to the guy in Yuiko's apartment. To this moment, Gakuto still can't believe he had lost his voice the moment he saw that guy...

"Gakuto, what the hell is wrong with you? You look like shit."

As usual, Shishido Ryou was brutally insulting with his brutal honesty. 

"Shishido-san, you shouldn't say that..." Now that Gakuto think about it, that guy wasn't that much shorter in comparison to Choutarou...

"He does look like shit though!"

"Ootori, how did you get so tall?" Gakuto wanted to know the secret of being tall...

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now