☀13☀ 100 years too early!

299 13 4

Gakuto decided that it was about time that he makes a comeback at Kasamatsu; if that guy's using nasty methods against him, he will use even nastier methods against him! It's only fair! An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth!

Gakuto was disturbed from having his dramatic moment when the doorbell of his house rang.

"Nii-san, someone is at the door!" His little brother shouted, "I am too busy to do anything about it."

"I wouldn't let get that door even if you crawl your way there. My girlfriend is coming here for dinner, you best be on your best behaviour!" Gakuto went to the door and opened it for his girlfriend.

"Hey there, sorry to intrude." Yuiko was wearing a white dress with a pink cardigan, "I got a box of cookies on the way here for your family."

"Yuiko, you're too kind." Gakuto held the box and his eyes widened when it was his favorite cookies, "Woah! You got good stuff! I love you even more!"

What was Gakuto's plan? He invited Yuiko over to his place for dinner simply to get her away from her older brother for the time being; Kasamatsu can't invite himself over without being invited.

"Gakuto-kun, thank you for having me over."

"It's nothing at all!" Even without Kasamatsu's existence, Gakuto would have liked to invite Yuiko over to his house for dinner. "My mom wanted to meet you for some time now so she is very excited."

"R-really?" She blushed as she looked away with a smile on her face, feeling a little embarrassed as she listened to Gakuto go on about how he told his parents all about her. "I hope I don't embarrass myself."

"You would never embarrass me... A-anyway, why don't we play a game? I have a dance mat!" Gakuto wasn't tooting his own horn but he's pretty good at playing Dance Dance Revolution. "Are you good at it?"

"Are you asking me a trick question? I love that game!"

Kasamatsu was reading a music catalogue, thinking of buying a new guitar. He wanted to an electric guitar instead of another acoustic.

"Kasamatsu, where is your cute little sister?" Moriyama asked him.

"She went to her boyfriend's for dinner."

"She is at the meet the parents phase?" Kobori asked, "You sure are taking it in rather well... A little bit too well." Kobori can tell Kasamatsu was up to something and when he saw a smug look on Kasamatsu's face, he can tell he was very right.

"That guy has no idea what will hit him..." Kasamatsu was chuckling darkly; Kobori can tell Kasamatsu will have the final laugh...


Yuiko insisted that she helped Gakuto's mother with the cooking too since she was used to helping out in the kitchen. Gakuto's mother really like her because she was helpful and proved herself to be good at cooking too.

Yuiko was doing fine on meeting the parents, she's a natural at it! She's doing much better than Gakuto and he hasn't met her parents yet!

"Yuiko-chan, you really know your stuff, I bet your parents are proud of you."

"I am living with my older brother and I just copied the way he used to help out when we lived with our parents."

"Good for you, I wish Gakuto would come in here and help me every once in a while."

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now