☀09☀ Getting along with Kasamatsu?

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After picking up Gakuto and Yuiko from the movies, Kasamatsu Yukio found himself stuck in a very heavy traffic jam. He hasn't moved from the spot for a very long time now and his road rage was about to tip boiling point. 

Gakuto was panicking because he knew for sure anything he will say will trigger anger in her brother. He looked at Yuiko who was sat beside him in the back of the car too and she was listening to music. 

"Hm?" She noticed Gakuto was looking at her and she took out the right earphone and gave it to him. 

'Oh, I like this...' "It sounds good..." 

"Doesn't it?" She smiled at him. 

"Hehe, I like the chorus! Hmm, I know you're my diamond in the sky!" 

"Shut up, Mukahi." Kasamatsu interrupted them, not appreciating the way Gakuto was flirting with his little sister. 

Gakuto instantly stopped speaking and he looked out of the window, hoping Kasamatsu would calm down his anger a bit...

"I swear we haven't moved from this spot for over 10 minutes..." Gakuto said to Yuiko, unaware that the rising anger from Kasamatsu was at boiling point. 

"How about you drive the freaking car and then we will see how far you go?" Kasamatsu sarcastically asked him, "This is fucking ridiculous!"

"Yuki-nii, it's okay..." Yuiko, the voice of reason, tried to calm her big brother down but it doesn't seem to be working today.

"No, it's not!"

"How about we talk about something?" 

"Yeah, let's talk about how your boyfriend was 30 minutes late to leave with you. You see this, Mukahi? This is what I was trying to avoid!" 

"I-I have no comment..." Gakuto muttered, trying to tread safely on what looked like a tightrope between life and death.


Kasamatsu was sick and tired of this crap. He can literally fall asleep for 5 minutes and the traffic will not move an inch. 

"Yuiko?" Gakuto whispered to her, "Is your brother always like this?"

"Road rage? Yeah, pretty much." 

"I-I see..." 

Kasamatsu decided to turn on the radio to a music station.

Let it go, let it go~! 

Turn away and slam the doors~!

"I hate Frozen! Tangled is way better than Frozen!" Kasamatsu turned off the radio, sighing heavily because of the never-moving traffic. "Hey, something you two. It's boring in here."

"Are you sure we are allowed to have a say in the car?" Gakuto asked, suddenly brave enough to retort something to the older. 

"What Gakuto-kun is saying, Yuki-nii, is if you liked Slam Dunk when you were a kid." Yuiko was quick to save her boyfriend from getting killed within the car. 

"Huh, I did enjoy Slam Dunk whenever it was on." 

"Any Shounen theme is fine with me." Gakuto said to him, "I thought Naruto was good." 

"Ah but you can't beat Hunter x Hunter, not a chance." Kasamatsu answered back, "You heard of Umineko no naku koro ni? Or are you too stupid to understand the plot?" 

"It's confusing... Never mind Umineko, I didn't even understand Higurashi no naku koro ni..." Gakuto doesn't like the mystery theme, it's way too complex for his liking. 

"That's because little boys like you don't read. If you read the novels, you will see the beauty of the plot." 

"Hey..." Gakuto doesn't understand why everything Kasamatsu say always stab him someway or another. 

"Yuki-nii, Kobori-senpai asked when are you back. Should I tell him we will be a while?" She asked Kasamatsu. 

"Yeah. This traffic jam is going to last a long time..." 

"Um, do you mind if I ask something?" 

"You're already asking me..." Kasamatsu rolled his eyes and looked back at Gakuto, "What do you want?" 

"Is it really okay to live with your little sister and four other guys in one apartment?" 

"I'd rather leave her with them than leave her with you, don't worry about it." 

'Why do I have a feeling that his position within his own home is the highest too?' Gakuto sighed and slumped back on the seat. It's too hard to get along with Kasamatsu...


Gakuto was tired so he decided to take a nap. He was sleeping with his head against Yuiko's shoulder. 

"Yuki-nii, why won't you try and be nice?" Yuiko asked Kasamatsu. 

Kasamatsu looked back and sighed out in boredom.

"I am trying! It's just everything he does makes me want to hit him." It was true, Gakuto's very existence as Yuiko's boyfriend always annoyed the hell out of him. Kasamatsu always thought his sister can do way better.


"Yuiko, are you certain he is the one?" He's not trying to control her life or anything but he doesn't want her to feel locked to him. "That Atobe guy seems like a guy to respect girls... He was nice enough to treat everyone to the amusement park." 

"Atobe-kun is a nice guy." 

"That guy who saved you from the haunted maze is good too... He looks gloomy but something tells me he is a fighter." 

"Hiyoshi-kun is a little scary though..." 

"What about Shishido? That guy is young but he is a man, manlier than Mukahi anyway." 

"Shishido-kun likes tomboyish girls though..." 

"Oh. You're too girly for him, huh? What about that tall friend of yours? He's tall, so you will never lose him in a large crowd." 

"Yuki-nii, I don't lose Gakuto-kun all the time...well, Choutarou-kun is easy to spot in a large crowd..." 

"And didn't you say you liked his best friend's accent?" 

"Are you talking about Oshitari-kun? I do like the accent but this and that is completely different." 

"I'll give Mukahi credit that he doesn't snooze off like that weird guy." 

"Are you talking about Jirou-kun?" 

"He sleeps too much! I would have hit him many times!" 


Soon, the traffic started to resume the flow...

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now