☀11☀ Movie

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"It's nice of my brother to treat us to watch a movie." Yuiko said to Gakuto, holding a large popcorn that Gakuto bought for them to share.

"Yeah. I was surprised that he invited me along too." Gakuto wondered if it was an indirect apology for treating him badly when studying at his place.

Speaking of studying, both Yuiko and Gakuto passed their exam and they were both very happy with it. Gakuto was surprised that he was a score higher than Shishido! What a miracle it was, much to the Dash Specialist's annoyance.

"I wonder what movie we are watching..." Yuiko watched Kasamatsu return with the tickets and she smiled at her older brother, "Yuki-nii, thank you for treating us."

"Ah. I thought we can all watch a movie together. You two did work hard to get good grades." He patted his little sister's head with a smile, proud of her in every way.

Gakuto was surprised that Kasamatsu can even smile; he's too used to seeing Kasamatsu's angry face that when seeing a gentle smile on his face, he will feel a bit cringed.

Kasamatsu then looked at Gakuto with a bored face, "It's not that I want you here but my little sister likes you so..."

"I know, I know..." Were all big brothers like this too? He's not like this with his little brothers so why was Kasamatsu overly protective over his sibling? Was it because Yuiko was simply a girl? What happened to the whole debate about male and females should be equal?

"What?" Kasamatsu was finding it creepy how Gakuto was staring at him, "You want me to hit you that badly?"



The three of them went to give their tickets in and went to screen 6 to watch the movie...

Back at the counter, Hayakawa and Nakamura were busy with their part time job, selling people tickets to watch movies.

"Was it a good idea to let him have 3 tickets to watch Insidious Chapter 3?" Nakamura asked Hayakawa.

"Captain said 'It's about time those kids lea(r)n to be fea(rl)ess!' I ag(r)ee with Captain! Nothing is sca(r)y! Not even a sca(r)y movie!"

"If you say so..."

Yuiko sat between the two of them so they can share a large popcorn.

In Gakuto's eyes, she was like a wall to separate him from instant death and he was thankful she's in between them. Kasamatsu didn't look annoyed one bit so it must be working.

"Yuki-nii, what is this movie about?"

"It is a touching movie about a young girl trying to get in touch with her mother who is already dead."


Gakuto was surprised that Kasamatsu would watch a touching movie...

"Shh, it's starting."


Gakuto was finding it very hard to watch the horror movie because it was terrifying the crap out of him. He was so scared that his knees were huddled to his chest and his eyes were peeking between the space between his fingers. 

The movie was not a touching movie at all! What kind of a touching movie would have a house being haunted and scary jump scares to happen every now and then?! Gakuto can't handle the horror theme! Never mind a horror movie, he can't even listen to Hiyoshi's horror stories without looking like a frightened little boy!

"Y-Yuiko, if you are too afraid, you can hold onto me-" He turned to look at Yuiko to see she burying her face against her older brother's arm. 

She was shivering and whimpered at every horror scene that was being being shown on the big screen. 

"Oh my god..." Gakuto can't believe Kasamatsu was unaffected by the horror scenes being shown! "Shit!" Gakuto had to cover his eyes because the girl on the screen had something crawling within her throat. He peeked through his fingers to see an eye staring out from within her throat! 

"I wonder how they did that effect..." Kasamatsu muttered to himself, sipping his soda. 

In all honesty, Kasamatsu didn't find Insidious Chpater 3 to be scary at all. He was a little disappointed since the trailers shown promising scenes of horror but he tricked. 

"The first Insidious was scarier, I can't believe I paid for this shit..." 

When the movie was over, Yuiko was still hugging onto her brother's arm. 

"The movie is over, Yuiko." 

"Can I hold onto you a little longer? I feel safer that way..." 

"Lesson one, Mukahi, a man is never scared. If you are scared, who is going to protect the girls? Moron..." Kasamatsu was the only to come out of there with a fearless look on his face. 

"What a horrible lesson." Gakuto knew one thing for sure, he's not going to sleep with the light out!

Kasamatsu allowed the two of them to do their own things as long as Gakuto brought Yuiko back home before her curfew. 

Kasamatsu was waiting for Hayakawa's and Nakamura's shift to be over before they are free to grab a meal with him. Once he can see them in casual clothes, he smiled. 

"Let's go." 

"Captain, it's coo(l) of you to teach the boy not to be fea(rl)ess!" Hayakawa found himself admiring Kasamatsu even more than before. 

Confused with his words, Kasamatsu chose to ignore Hayakawa; what was he talking about? He just wanted to annoy Gakuto so he decided to pick a horror movie just to put fear into him. It's not like it's a special training to teach the boy to be less fearful...

"Yuki-nii, since you are treating me to watch a movie, can I bring my boyfriend?" 

"What? You know I don't like him..."

"Pretty please?" 

"Fine, I get to pick the movie since I am paying." 

"Thank you! You are very nice!" 

"Who said I am nice?" Kasamatsu had it all planned out all along...

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now