☀06☀ I won't accept

682 25 13

"You are to return at the nearby park at 8pm. I do not want 8:05 or 8:10...got that?" Kasamatsu Yukio warned Gakuto. 

Gakuto's going on a date with Yuiko today and she asked her older brother to give them a lift to the city. Kasamatsu would do anything for his little sister so he promised without question. 

"Y-yes..." Gakuto was not used to hearing his own voice being so demanding by another person. He can see Kasamatsu's steel blue eyes from the rear-view mirror and he can see the powerful aura through them. He's got a very bad feeling that he will die quicker if he were to become Kasamatsu's enemy. Can he stay away from his bad side?

"Be a man! Give me a loud 'Yes'!"


"Good! And if you do anything my sister doesn't like, I will hit you." 


Kasamatsu then glanced at his little sister and smiled a little, "Yuiko, open the seat drawer, would you?"

"Okay." Yuiko opened the drawer and looked inside, "Want me to get something for you?" 

"Take the emergency alarm with you. In case anything happens, I can find you." 

"Yuki-nii, you're worrying too much." Yuiko pocketed the little alarm, "Where are you heading after dropping us off?" 

"I am playing street basketball with the others."

"Go and win!" Yuiko cheered him on with a cute smile and cheery voice. 

"Of course!" 

'Geez, they would be so adorable if they were not brothers and sisters...' Gakuto thought to himself.

Kasamatsu found a space to drop them off and Yuiko waved goodbye to him. Gakuto waved a little too but Kasamatsu ignored him and drove off. 

"I think my brother likes you." Yuiko smiled. 

"He does?!" He can't see signs of that at all! He told his little sister to take the emergency alarm as if he would do something wrong to Yuiko! That's not liking him at all! That's indirectly warning him to stay out of trouble or he will die! 

"Hey, now that we're in the city, let's have fun! Let's watch a movie~!" Yuiko suggested.

"Sure." He held her hand, leading the way, "Um, can I ask you a very important question? Do you think your brother and I have a smililar voice?" 

"Not at all." 

'She answered so quick!' "Never mind..." 

Sharing a popcorn and a soda, Gakuto and Yuiko laughed at the funny parts within the movie. The movie was a romantic-comedy, suitable for cute lovebirds just like them. He felt her hand touching his, holding it. When he looked at their hands and then back up again, she smiled smiled at him. 

"The movie is very funny!" She whispered to him.

'Holy crap she is so cute...' Gakuto will die from cuteness overload at this rate! If there was a way to extend time forever, he would extend this perfect moment to infinity and beyond...


Gakuto took her to a dessert cafe and the two of them shared a huge sundae together.

"Wow~! It looks tasty~!" Yuiko got some ice cream and she moved the spoon to Gakuto's lips, "Say 'Aah'."

Gakuto ate the strawberry flavored ice cream, loving the taste.

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now