☀12☀ Life is unfair

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"Are you sure about this, Gakuto?" After hearing about Gakuto's story about how Kasamatsu made him talk to the fish during studying session with Yuiko, Oshitari wondered why Gakuto would even think about returning to that apartment again. "You are a masochist, Gakuto..." 

"Yuiko said I can go to her place and play. Don't worry about me! Her brother is out all day to play basketball with everyone so it will be fine! He is never back early." 

"You do realize life is unfair, right? It doesn't always go your way." 

"Don't worry! Worry about yourself that you can't find a girl of your type."

"It's not easy to find a nice lady with nice legs... Wait, didn't she promise the choir club that she will help them out? You're waiting for her?" 

Gakuto knew Oshitari will say that so he waved a tiny silver key at him. The silver key was a key to Kasamatsu's apartment. 

"She said I can wait for her at the apartment." 

"Gakuto..." Oshitari was trying to rescue Gakuto; there has to be some sort of trap waiting for Gakuto, he's got a bad feeling about it! 

"I told you! Her brother won't be there!" 

After school soon came for the Hyotei students. Yuiko gave Gakuto a quick kiss before she went off to help out her friends at the choir club. 

Gakuto loved receiving kisses from Yuiko; sweet girls give kisses as sweet as candy. 

"Gakuto, Choutarou and I are heading to street tennis for a game, you up?" Shishido found Gakuto by the school gate, touching his own lips with a smile on his face. 

"Unlike you homos, I am going to spend quality time with my girlfriend." 

"Don't call us a homo, at least we weren't told to talk to the fish!" Gakuto blushed in embarrassment when Shishido shouted that out; Oshitari has been telling other people about it! 

"Pfft!" Choutarou had to look away and contain his laughter because it was disrespectful to laugh at a senpai's embarrassment. 

"I won't be talking to no fish when I am there! Her brother won't be there and I will be fine!" He stomped away, wanting nothing to do with Shishido anymore. 

"Say hi to Nemo and Piero for me!" Shishido's last words made Gakuto stumble and Choutarou to burst out laughing...


Gakuto was honestly a little scared when standing in front of the apartment's door. Kasamatsu can't be in there, right? Yuiko promised him that nothing bad will happen and he can just welcome himself in there and wait for her to return. 

After gulping once, Gakuto unlocked the apartment and went in to find the lights were off. 

"Huh, he's really gone..." There was no sign of life within the apartment and that was a good indication that no one was home. Gakuto was happy because he just needed to wait an hour alone and Yuiko will be here. "Maybe I can make something for her to eat... Pizza? Or should we go out to Maji Burger?" He decided to have a good look around since he never got a chance to do so because of Kasamatsu. 

Each bedroom's door was labelled with a person's name on there. He found the door with Yuiko's name and he opened the door to have a look in her room. Yuiko's room was really cute looking, cream colored walls with posters of her favorite boy bands and photos from her childhood were also on the wall. He looked at her desk to see everything was organized, not a sign of dust. Gakuto can see there was a picture frame with a photo from her past, it was a picture of Yuiko with her three brothers. 

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now