☀17☀ Love Pass! (Ending)

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Kasamatsu and Gakuto were at Atobe's mansion, waiting for Atobe to bring out the mansion's personal technician and the technology to pinpoint a person's location by cell phone. 

"Are you worried about Yuiko?" Gakuto asked Kasamatsu. 

"Of course I am, moron. That is my little sister." Kasamatsu looked at Gakuto's face to see genuine worry. Even without words being said, Kasamatsu can tell that Gakuto was equally worried. 'I always thought it was just a weak relationship based on nothing. Seems like this guy is genuine about Yuiko...' 

"I'm scared..." Gakuto kept thinking about the what ifs. What if Yuiko was hurt? What if the kidnapper got impatient and planned to do something unspeakable to her? He was scared for the first time in his life and it was suffocating him from the inside. 

Gakuto felt a hand on his head. The hand belonged to Kasamatsu Yukio. 

"Calm down. What will Yuiko think if her boyfriend freaks out more than herself?" 

Gakuto stared at Kasamatsu, surprise written all over his face. Did Kasamatsu indirectly accepted Gakuto as Yuiko's boyfriend? 

"This doesn't mean I like you." Kasamatsu quickly added. 

"I am fine with that." 

"You better be." 

Atobe soon returned with the good news and the bad news. The good news was the fact that the technician was here, the bad news was they needed to make the caller last on the line long enough for them to pinpoint the location. 

"So what does that mean?!" Gakuto impatiently asked. 

"It means we need to call the person long enough to help the technician to pinpoint the exact location." Kasamatsu answered.

"But wouldn't they figure out we are doing that?" 

"That's why I got Kise and the others standing at different part of Tokyo. The chance of getting the kidnapper knowing what we are up to is high but I have a feeling the kidnapper is stupid." 


"God you are really stupid. Okay, if you are the kidnapper, how do you prove to the others that you took the victim?" 

"I will pass the phone to the victim and make them scream." 

"The kidnapper did not do that." 

"Ah!" Gakuto didn't think of it that way at all! Kasamatsu was right! 

"So, I say we call them right now." Kasamatsu punched some numbers in and then passed the phone to Gakuto, "Since you're equally stupid too, I suggest you talk to him while I update my friends of the current situation." 

"I don't know if I should be happy or not..." Gakuto pressed the phone to his ear and waited for the line to connect. 


There it was! The voice of the kidnapper! 

"L-listen! How am I supposed to know if Yuiko is safe?" 

--You're not in any position to ask any questions.-- 

"I need to know if she is there!" 

--Is she with you? No! What a dumbass question!-- 

"What the fuck?! You're the idiot who can't even be bothered to follow the proper procedure of kidnapping! How am I supposed to know Yuiko is even there in the first place?! Look, if you are too much of a dumbass to even do this properly, maybe I should come over and show you how it's really done!"

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now