☀05☀ Kasamatsu and Mukahi

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Inside the nurse's office of Hyotei Academy, Kasamatsu Yuiko was apologizing to Shishido Ryou for what her brother did to him.

"Shishido-kun, I am so sorry that my brother hit you..." Yuiko apologized many times for her brother, "I am sorry..." 

"It's okay, Kasamatsu..." Shishido smiled, trying to stop her from apologizing, "Your brother just loves you too much and...somehow thought I was Gakuto?" He then shifted a glare towards Gakuto, who was looking guilty too.

"When I told him I have a boyfriend, I didn't know he was talking about you..." 

"It's okay, Kasamatsu..." Shishido said again. 

"Yuiko, I didn't know that's your brother..." Gakuto quietly said. Despite what happened, he felt relieved; Yuiko's not cheating on him! That guy was only her brother! Just an older brother! 

"Gakuto-kun, I'm sorry I thought you were cheating..." 

"No! No! I'm sorry too...I mean, even I thought you were cheating..." 

"With who?" 


"Eh...eh?! That...Gakuto-kun...!" She couldn't help but laugh. Why would she have romantic interest in her own brother? 

"I-I've met him when I returned your ribbon!" 

"Oh! So that's how you met him! Hahaha! He didn't tell me about you. Why did you run away afterwards?" 

"I was hurt...I didn't think he was your brother..." 

"Hm? Of course we are siblings, can't you tell by my eyes and his eyes?" Yuiko pointed at her steel blue eyes. Speaking of her eyes, Gakuto didn't think about it at all because the first thing he thought was 'they don't look anything alike!'. 

"I'm sorry." Gakuto apologized. 

"I think you should meet my brother properly, Gakuto-kun." 

"I should?" 


Her brother had his face against the wheels, face burning in total embarrassment. He couldn't believe he had hit the wrong person! Most of all, he can't believe his little sister's boyfriend looked like a girl...

"Kasamatsu-senpai..." Kise had no idea what to say. He looked at Moriyama, nudging him to say something. 

"Kasamatsu, don't worry! You won't get charged for hitting a 14 year old boy!"

"I am not scared of being charged for assaulting a 14 year old boy, Moriyama... I always pictured my little sister would choose a nice boy to be her boyfriend..." He then slowly looked at Moriyama, "Have you seen that kid?! Fucking hell he looks like a girl! If I saw him 2 years ago, I wouldn't be able speak!" 

"Um, Senpai, are you angry because he's making Yuikocchi look like a lesbian?" 

"No! It's not that!" 

Kise and Moriyama found it hard to believe Kasamatsu. 

"I am not homophobic!" 


"Don't give me that look, you piece of shit..." Kasamatsu was already agitated enough, he doesn't need Kise to give him any trouble added to the ones he already had, "It's just...I think she can do better! My little sister is so cute and he is just... My point is, men are not supposed to be cute!" 

"Well, that guy does look too cute to be a guy..." Moriyama said, "Hey, your sister is coming with that guy and the other guy you assaulted." 

The University students watched the Middle Schoolers talk with one another and Shishido went home by himself.

"Ugh..." Kasamatsu took a deep breath. He should try and get along with the guy either way...

"Yuki-nii, you think you can give Gakuto-kun a lift home?" Yuiko asked with a cheery smile. Gakuto was looking nervous; he tried telling her that he didn't need a lift but she insisted.


Once inside the car, Gakuto stayed silent. Kise was next to Kasamatsu and Moriyama was on the right while Yuiko's in the middle. 

"Yuiko, did you tell Shishido that I was sorry too?" Kasamatsu asked her.

"Many times."


"Yuki-nii, let's just forget about it, okay? I'm sure nobody but us saw it." 


'This guy is so powerful, he took down Shishido like he was nothing! I better be careful...' Gakuto secretly reminded himself. 

"So you're Yuiko's boyfriend?" Kasamatsu suddenly asked. 

"Y-yes! M-my name is Mukahi Gakuto! N-nice to meet you!" 

'Why does he...' Kasamatsu thought.

'...sound like me?!' Gakuto thought loudly.

Moriyama looked confused and he typed away on his cell phone. 


Kise received a message from Moriyama. 

--Kise, they sound alike! XD--

Kise quickly typed a message back to Moriyama. 

--I was thinking the same thing!--

Gakuto's silent ordeal ended when he's finally home. He just wanted to forget all about today and hopefully be safe for the rest of his life and live it well. 

"Gakuto-kun, let's go out next time." 

"Sure..." Gakuto looked at Kasamatsu and then thanked him for the lift. 

"Ah, don't mention it." 

Gakuto can't tell if he's liked or disliked by Kasamatsu. Well, whatever the results were, he can only hope Yuiko will help him earn positive points for him. 

The last thing he needed was Kasamatsu Yukio branding him as an enemy and ended up being the wall in between them!

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now