☀14☀ Kaijou vs Hyotei

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Kasamatsu opened the door of his apartment to come face to face with Gakuto. 

"When will you stop grounding Yuiko?" Gakuto was annoyed; Yuiko has been telling him that Kasamatsu wouldn't let her watch the TV, use her cell phone, and use the house phone. Kasamatsu was even picking up Yuiko once the bell hits after school, making sure she's not going anywhere.

"Is your brain so slow that you can't count? She is grounded for a week, it's no big deal." 

"Like I said, she is a grown-" 

"Listen, I couldn't care less what you think. My sister did something she is not supposed to do and she is being punished for it. End of the story." Kasamatsu was about to shut the door but Gakuto stopped him from doing so, "Don't make me hit you outside of my own house..." 

"I challenge you! Kasamatsu Yukio, I challenge you in a game of basketball!" 


"I know you are underestimating me! I'll let you know there is always somebody above you!" 

"You disrespectful little shit..." If looks can kill, Kasamatsu would have sent Gakuto to the world beyond this one. "Okay, I'll amuse you. Meet me and the guys at the street basketball tomorrow, same time, and we'll take it from there like men." 

"You're finally treating me like a man..." Gakuto was a little happy about that. 

"If I win, Yuiko stays grounded and you are to do chores in my apartment for a whole week without pay." 

"If I win-" 

"Which you won't." 

"Shut up! If I win, you un-ground Yuiko! And you pay for our dates for a whole week!" 

"Deal." They both shook hands in agreement. 

"Now get away from my front door before I hit you!" Kasamatsu had already hit him on the head though...


The next day, Gakuto was trying his very best to convince his team into helping him out.

"Arn? Explain to Ore-sama why he needs to do this?" Atobe was not impressed by Gakuto's hotheadedness and he shared the feelings with the rest of the team. 

"Please, Atobe! For the sake of love!" 

"Gakuto, I know Kasamatsu Yuiko is a cute girl but even I am smart enough to not fall into a trap like that." Oshitari was referring to the 'wall' between Gakuto and Yuiko, that wall was literally Kasamatsu Yukio. "Can't you go out with a different girl? Preferably one with a nicer older brother." 

"But I love Yuiko!" 

"Okay, a game of basketball shouldn't be too hard..." Oshitari said to him, "I'm in just to amuse you." 

"Yuushi, thank you!" 

"Choutarou and Kabaji should join in." Shishido suggested that since the two 2nd years were rather tall. 

"Okay, that's me, Yuushi, Ootori, Kabaji... Atobe, I need you!" 

"Fine. With Ore-sama there, there's no way Hyotei can lose." 

"Great! Oh, and let me tell you guys something good! He was Kaijou's former captain and when he was reigning, he lost at the quarter-finals of the Interhigh, and the semi-finals of the Winter Cup and only came in 4th place! There's no way we can lose!" 

"With Kabaji's copying skills and Ore-sama, there's no way we can lose." Atobe clicked his fingers, "Let's win!" 

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now