♥Author's Concept Note♥

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Ah, I only just realized I have a couple of finished fics with missing notes from me which I tell where my ideas stemmed from and a brief talk about my OC XD

Here we go! 

The fic is not as focused on the OC like my other fics, it is a fic where it focuses on two characters from two completely different anime and how they would interact when their lives are connected somehow. In this case, Kasamatsu and Gakuto are forced to interact because of their connection with my OC, Kasamatsu Yuiko. 

Kasamatsu Yuiko

Yuiko is a very sweet girl, she has the Kasamatsu name but she does not have the Kasamatsu urge to hit other people. She is the complete opposite to our dear Point Guard and can be slightly rebellious at times so we can say when she's aiming for something, she will really aim for it. 

The Crossover

I can't be the only one who thought of mixing the KnB world with Prince of Tennis world, right? XD 

The sport they play may be different but their passion for their sport is the same! Kasamatsu and Gakuto have only one thing in common...and that is there voice! XD It weirds them out every time they hear each other speak; whenever Kasamatsu hear Gakuto say something completely out of order, it pisses him off because of the similarity in their voice. The same thing can be said for Gakuto, hearing Kasamatsu shout at him was like hearing another him ^_^;; 

Road-raging Kasamatsu

I am not driving yet but I find it funny whenever people road-rage, it really brings out the beast in them, doesn't it? XD And Kasamatsu is a character prone to get angry rather easily so I decided to put him in the driver's seat...hahaha, it makes me laugh whenever I write about him road-raging.

By the way, the "Eat banana!" scene was actually real XD, my sister's friend really did throw a banana into another car out of rage. 

The only person to stop the road-raging Kasamatsu is usually Yuiko but it doesn't seem to stop the anger much especially when he's stuck in traffic XD

Talk to the Fish

The 'Talk to the fish' thing pops up quite often for comedy purposes. Soph2Teal and I came up with this and it just rolled in the fic. This comes to randomness can be pretty funny too XD Now, who wants to speak to Nemo and Pierro? :P

Big bro vs Boyfriend

Is it written in the rule book or older bros seem more likely to dislike their little sister's boyfriend? In Kasamatsu's case, no matter what Gakuto did, it will set him off on a rage. Kasamatsu is a wall for Gakuto to overcome and I think the little guy did sort of overcome the wall...I think? 

Some bros take it to the extreme but Kasamatsu wouldn't go that far because he needed to sustain his good relationship with his little sister. Instead, Kasamatsu will go out all ways just to piss off Gakuto. If you ask me, I think Kasamatsu is rather good at getting on someone's nerves too when he wanted to! XD He will use methods that's fitting to the person he's put up against and make sure to come out as the winner! 

See you in the next fic!

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now