☀16☀ Missing sister = Destructive brother

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No matter how many weeks has passed, Kasamatsu Yukio has yet to acknowledge Mukahi Gakuto as Yuiko's boyfriend. 

Gakuto decided he doesn't need Kasamatsu's acknowledgement in the matter; Yuiko loves him regardless her brother likes it or not. If he had the time to make Kasamatsu Yukio acknowledge him, why doesn't he use the time to make Kasamatsu Yuiko the happiest girl on earth? As far as Gakuto can see, Yuiko's very happy with the relationship they have and that was fine.

"You have finally chose to be mature?" Oshitari asked Gakuto. 

"Yep! Yuiko and I are fine as we are! I don't need her older brother to get along with me!" 

"Seeing you mature makes me feel proud of you. Shall we start practice?" 

"Hey, where is Atobe?" 

"He told us to start without hi because he has student council stuff to sort out." 

"Poor guy..." Gakuto doesn't see the beauty of being the student council president at all. What was so good about being one? Doesn't it mean there will be more work? The person right at the top has to do so much work to rule the ones at the bottom... 

Yuiko entered the student council president's room. Who does she find in there after a knock on the door? Atobe Keigo of course. 

"Atobe-kun, this is class 3-D's test scores all collected." 

"Thank you. Let's see if your boyfriend has made it above average." 

"I'm sure he has..." 

"Why is that?" 

"Because he has been coming to my house to study these days." 


"You see..."

"Why are you here again?" Kasamatsu wondered why Gakuto has been coming over to his place more often than he wanted. 

"I came here to study." 

"You realize I am still here...?" Kasamatsu was a little suspicious by his behaviour; wouldn't Gakuto usually distant himself if Kasamatsu's in the apartment? 

"Gakuto-kun, hey!" Yuiko moved her brother aside and dragged Gakuto into the apartment, "You're here to study again?" 


"Ever since you've been coming over to study, your grade has gone up! I am so proud of you!" 

"His grades gone up?" Kasamatsu was a little surprised that the boy who he always called 'Dipshit' and told to 'talk to the fish' was actually a little clever when he wanted to be. 

Gakuto has a secret behind his cheerful smile he has for Yuiko. The real reason why he's here to study was not because of Yuiko, visiting Yuiko was only half of the reason, his real reason was Kasamatsu Yukio. Why? 

"You realize I will be very strict?" Kasamatsu said to him. 

"I know how things work in the study session here. I am ready for the Kasamatsu-style study session!" Gakuto's grades shot up ever since he started studying here! Especially when Kasamatsu's the one showing him the ropes! He doesn't like to admit it but her older brother contributed greatly in helping him get good grades and he's not going to pass the opportunity! 

"You... Can it be you study better when there is a threat by your side?!" Kasamatsu didn't think that was possible but Gakuto proved it possible! 

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now