☀15☀ Kasamatsu Yukio vs Mukahi Gakuto

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Kasamatsu has never played tennis in his life before but that doesn't stop him from taking on Gakuto in one. 

"Yuki-nii, why are you so into this? You're bullying Gakuto-kun..." Yuiko was trying to convince her own brother to drop it but she wasn't going anywhere with this because her brother wouldn't take no for an answer. 

"I just wanted to tell him to mind his own business. I hope you have learnt your lesson about the whole issue, Yuiko." 

"I know..." 

"Good, now watch your brother thrash your boyfriend." 

"Eh? Wait-" A hand then touched Yuiko's shoulder. When she looked back, it was Gakuto. 

"Don't worry about a thing, tennis is my game!" 

"Gakuto-kun, I really wish one of you would just drop it already..." 

"Yuiko, this is a battle between men! If I win, you won't be grounded, you should cheer for me." 

"You don't understand, I feel really bad. I mean, he thrashed you in a game he was best at." 

"Playing basketball against him was the worst idea ever..." 

'But you're the one who thought of it...' Yuiko reluctantly watched the about-to-commence match between her brother and her boyfriend. She began to wonder just why can't they just get along. 'Why do people keep telling me they have the same voice?' Yuiko wondered about that and she still can't seem to find the similarity between the two. 

While she's wondering why Gakuto and her brother can't get along, Kasamatsu was listening to Kobori explain the basic tennis rules to Kasamatsu. 

Gakuto on the other hand was warming up to beat the older at a game that he specialized in. 

'I will show him how high I can jump!' He planned to use his special Moon Sault right on the get go.

"Okay, I think I got the rules..." Kasamatsu was ready for this Singles match. All he had to do was make sure the ball doesn't go into the Doubles line or out of the lines, how hard can that be? 

"Yuiko, I should have asked this before but why does your brother wear long socks?" Gakuto was very curious from the basketball match to see something like that but he didn't voice it since Kasamatsu can kill him on the court. He can voice it now because both players were separated by the net. 

"Yuki-nii said it's so it doesn't strain his muscles." 

"Oh. I thought it's for fashion purposes..." 

Gakuto decided to serve the ball first and he told Kasamatsu to prepare himself since he played a completely different sport to tennis. Gakuto served the ball and Kasamatsu managed to hit it but it was too powerful that it ended up going out, passing by Gakuto's hair. 

"Woah..." Gakuto was stunned, it was so close to his face. 

"Oops. I need to control my strength in my arm..." Kasamatsu did a few practice swing, trying to control himself. 

"Kasamatsu-senpai, you're hitting too hard!" Kise reminded, "Calm down a bit!" 


Gakuto served the ball again and this time Kasamatsu got the control just right. Gakuto was ready to get another point and he jumped for the ball with his acrobatic skills. 

Watching from the sidelines were both the Kaijou team and Hyotei. Atobe already reminded Gakuto that he has to win, not just for Yuiko's sake but also for Hyotei's pride.

"Yuikocchi, you are very quiet... Is it because you don't know who to cheer for?" Kise asked Yuiko. 

"I am just hoping they will bond after this." 

"I-I see..." 

"That is how men bond, right?" 

"That applies to a normal person... I am not offending you but your brother doesn't fit into the 'normal' type..." 

"Play like a normal person! Quit jumping so much!" Kasamatsu's shots were all heavy and powerful, almost like his kicks, they were so powerful that Gakuto had a bit of problem returning it.

The score was in Kasamatsu's favor. You would think it would be in Gakuto's favor but it turned out the basketball playing Kasamatsu has a secret talent in playing tennis too. Can it be possible that the reason why he was not tired was because of all of those leg training exercises he does on a daily basis? 

"What is your brother's secret?" Shishido asked Yuiko. 

"Hm? Kicking Kise-san." Yuiko answered.


"Literally." Kise answered, "For as long as I know Kasamatsu-senpai, I have been kicked and hit by him more than 300 times already." 

"Kise-san, that is amazing! You actually keep count!" 

'What more amazing is how he survive through it all! That is a real man!' Shishido thought to himself.

Kasamatsu didn't have much of an issue with Gakuto jumping here and there and return the ball at difficult angles because he was able to chase them all. 

"Kasamatsu is using his drive and he's not even holding a basketball!" Moriyama was amazed that Kasamatsu was even good at tennis. "Huh, look at his face, he's having fun." 

Yuiko smiled that both boys were playing with a smile...


"That was out, you jumpy piece of shit!" 

"I have been playing tennis for a long time, I would know if it's in or out!" 

Kasamatsu and Gakuto were in a tiebreak and they were arguing over the last shot that Gakuto performed; Kasamatsu said it was out but Gakuto claimed it was in. 

No one was really paying attention because the Hyotei team were busy talking to the former Kaijou members. 

"Yuiko!" Both Kasamatsu and Gakuto called out Yuiko's name, "Was it in or was it out?!" 

"Huh, you two do sound a little alike..." 

"We are not asking that!" Kasamatsu and Gakuto looked at one another and Yuiko wondered if there can be a day where the two of them can get along...

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now