☀07☀ My brother and my boyfriend

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"What the fuck was that all about? You think you're so tough, tough guy? You think you can take on a group of High schoolers all by yourself?" Kasamatsu Yukio was talking to Mukahi Gakuto from his car.

Yuiko was not here because Kasamatsu told Kise to walk her home. Kasamatsu needed to talk to Gakuto so he was driving him home. 

"Y-you were taking care of them all by yourself too..." Gakuto spoke back. 

"You idiot, that's because I know how to fight. All you know is how to get your ass kicked and cry like a little bitch." 

"I..." Gakuto couldn't deny any of it since it was a fact he was beaten up looking like a pulp. 

"I won't accept a guy who can't protect my sister." 


"You should break up with Yuiko." 

"That isn't something for you to decide-" 

"Well maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to get your ass kicked! What were you thinking?! There's only one of you and my little sister! You really think you had the chance to look like a hero?" Kasamatsu asked him.

"I...I was only sticking up for her because they threw a cigarette at her and didn't say sorry... What would you have done if you're lecturing me so much?" Gakuto asked him with a glare full of daggers. 

If only he realized Kasamatsu had more daggers in his glare. 

"I would grab the punk and throw him into the lake." Kasamatsu said it like it's the most natural thing in the world. 

"You hypocrite!" Gakuto shouted.

"You know, Mukahi, a person has a lot of nerves in their body. Tons, even! And you managed to get on every single one of my nerves!" He slapped Gakuto's head, "Let me teach you a thing, little boy, the effects of an action differs from person to person; just because I can do something, it doesn't mean you can." Kasamatsu didn't stop there, "Obviously, none of those guys saw you as a man standing up for his woman the moment you called them out without thinking." He soon arrived and he unlocked the passenger door for him, "Get out of my car. You're a disgrace to all men." Kasamatsu was harsh but he needed to be harsh on him in order to teach him a lesson.


"Yuki-nii, you're being nasty..." Yuiko was annoyed at Kasamatsu; sometimes reasoning with him was like talking to a very tall brick wall. 

"I am not being nasty." Kasamatsu was cleaning his car with a very calm face.

"You're cleaning the passenger seat as if you will catch something if you sit on it." 

"I like to keep my car clean." That was a lie that Yuiko saw through in an instant; Kasamatsu was cleaning as if Mukahi Gakuto was a virus.

"You've cleaned it yesterday. You even hit the car washing guy for using his spit to clean the window..." 

"That bastard..." Kasamatsu hasn't forgotten about that bastard! How dare that guy spit on his car?! 

"Yuki-nii, you're not being fair to Gakuto-kun..." 

"Fair? You want fair? He should be thankful I didn't hit him...that hard." There was a lapse of moment where he tried to remember if he had hit the younger boy before.

"You've hit him?! Yuki-nii!" 

"What? He was asking for it!" 

"I'm ignoring you..." 

"Huh?! You're ignoring your older brother for that guy?!" 

"Hmph!" She stuck her tongue out, clearly ignoring Kasamatsu. 


Gakuto was upset, very upset. It really hurts when he's being insulted by someone who shared the same voice as himself. Kasamatsu's right at the end of the day though, Gakuto can accept that because it's true that he brought danger for Yuiko. 

He didn't mean for it to happen. He just wanted to look cool in front of Yuiko, what was wrong with that? 

"Geez..." Kasamatsu was right; what kind of a boyfriend was he if he can't even protect Yuiko?

Gakuto's message tone sounded from his cell phone. 

"Uh..." He ignored it because he was not in the mood to talk to anyone. 

His phone sounded again.

Gakuto reached his hand out to his desk and grabbed his cell phone. It was Yuiko. 

"Yuiko?" He flipped his cell phone out and looked at the email she sent him.

From: Yuiko <3

Sorry that Yuki-nii hit you >_< 

From: Yuiko <3

Gakuto-kun, let's forget about today! d(^_^ )

He smiled at the sight of her emails. He typed something back too.

From: Gakuto-kun <3

You're not angry at me? I nearly hurt you...

From: Yuiko <3

It's fine. No hard feelings!

From: Gakuto-kun <3

Are you sure I am really the one for you? 

From: Yuiko <3 

Of course! :) What kind of question is that? Of course I like you!

From: Gakuto-kun <3

If your brother wasn't your brother... You are better off with him :'(

From: Yuiko <3 

I love you <3 :D

"Wha...what are you saying, silly girl... Geez..." Gakuto blushed but he was smiling like an idiot in love...

That night, Kasamatsu wa brushing his teeth so he can get ready to sleep through the night and turn in for the new day to come. 


"Hn?" He turned to the door, toothpaste on his lips in the form of foam. 

"Since you're the best brother in the world...you wouldn't want me upset, right?" Kasamatsu spat the foam away and looked at her to sigh. Yuiko continued, "You said you will protect me from crying and I will cry if you make me lose a boyfriend... You think we can come to a compromise?"

"You want me to give the little guy another chance?" 

"Yep! Since you love me so much, I would be so happy if you give Gakuto-kun another chance." 

"You really like that girly-looking boy? Really?" He's so certain that there's a high ratio of boys compare to girls in Hyotei! She really can't choose a different boy as her boyfriend? What was so good about Mukahi Gakuto anyway?  


"Fine. If he pulls something like that again, I'll kick his ass. Got that?" 

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now