☀04☀ How dare you?!

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Kasamatsu Yukio will use any resources he can use in order to protect his little sister. He will not tolerate anyone to cheat on his little sister! No one cheats on her and gets away with it!

"Kise, are you ready?" 

"Of course!" Kise Ryouta was in on this with Kasamatsu Yukio; they both shared the same ideology that anyone who dared to hurt Yuiko shall face the greatest consequence of all! Kise won't allow some middle schooler to hurt Yuiko's love life just like that!

Kise got out of Kasamatsu's car and looked for girl who looked like she's in her 3rd year. 

"You there, do you know Kasamatsu Yuiko?" He asked the blushing girl, who slowly nodded and stuttered the fact they were in the same school. Kise smiled, "Can you pass this to her boyfriend for me? It is a very important message and it must be passed to him only, can you promise me that, sweet heart?" 

"Of course!" 

"Good girl." Kise got the young girl dancing around his little finger with his good looks and he's totally fine with that. Kise then went back to his car and he flashed his senpai a peace sign. 

"As expected of the aAce!" No matter many years pass by, Kise still acted as his ace.

"Thank you, Captain!" And Kise was fine with Kasamatsu still being his captain; that was something that will never ever change. 

The girl realized the envelope was not sticking so she took out a heart shaped sticker and made the envelope shut close. 



Later in the day, the Middle Schoolers were on their break.

"Yuiko-chan, I'm surprised you're going out with Mukahi-kun." Akane said to Yuiko. Akane was in the same class and her upbeat personality attracted people to her. She happened to have befriended Yuiko and now they were hanging out like they have known each other for a very long time.

"Is it really that surprising?" Yuiko asked. 

"Duh! Of course! Everyone knows Atobe-sama is the best of the best out there! Though I am having a tough time choosing between Kise-sama and Atobe-sama..."

"Akane-chan is greedy...hm?"

Gakuto was stopped by a girl and she handed him a letter. Yuiko can see Gakuto rejecting the letter and telling the girl that he already have someone he liked. However, the girl insisted that Gakuto should accept it because it's very important to him. Hearing the desperation in her voice, Gakuto didn't have a choice but to accept. He can always accept it and then throw it away...

"Ah! Wait! Ah...she's gone..." Gakuto sighed and looked at the letter with an annoyed look, "What did you write in there that needed me to accept so badly?" He opened the letter, not knowing his girlfriend walked away from the scene with an unhappy face.

"Yo, Gakuto." Shishido walked down the hall with Ootori Choutarou and they saw the tiny 3rd year shakingly read the letter he was just given.

"Shishido..." Gakuto looked very scared, a face he hasn't made ever since he was being picked on by older kids when he was little. 

Shishido was a little bit baffled by the scared face and he took the letter from Gakuto and read it himself. 

"Dear Gakuto, after seeing what you were doing inside Maji Burger the other day, I cannot stand by and pretend to have not seen what you did. If you do anything that does not sit right with me again, be prepared for the consequences - K.Y." Shishido finished reading. 

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now