☀03☀ Brother's protection

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"Yuiko lives with not one but 5 guys?!" Gakuto was with Shishido in a Maji Burger right now, having a meal.

"Yeah. To be honest, Gakuto, you wouldn't be able to stand against them; they are taller than you, only two of them are smaller than Choutarou!" 

"Did you ask them who they are to her?" Gakuto's question nearly made Shishido choke on his coke.

"I wasn't in any position to ask questions!" It was more like Shishido was in a position to be interrogated by them all! 

"Why is Yuiko living with guys?" 

"Why don't you ask?" 

"I'm scared of hearing the truth." 

"Gakuto, you're such a baby..." 

"Yeah, I'd like one 5 Maji meal with coke." Kasamatsu was using the drive-thru and he has Kobori with him. 

"Kasamatsu, ask them if they still do the chocolate cookie special." Kobori asked his friend.

"Hey, you still do the chocolate cookie special? Yes? I'd like one of that please." 

The person speaking through the machine happily took his order and asked him to wait at the carpark where a member of staff will deliver their food. Usually they would be ready at the window at the end but they were busy on the inside too and the big meal he ordered needed time to make.

"Kasamatsu, I still can't believe you got your driver's license on the first go." Kobori said to him.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it either." 

"And it's quick of you to learn how to road rage."

"I don't rage when I dri- Oi! Motherfucker! Get out of the fucking way before I hit you!" He aggressively shouted at a driver who was clearly in his way. 

'And he said he doesn't know how to road rage...' Kobori kept a smile all this time, "Kasamatsu, deep breath, remember what Yuiko said! 'Yuki-nii shouldn't rage so often when driving'!" 

"Oh! I almost forgot..." Kasamatsu was normal again, less aggressive.

'Yuiko, you're really amazing. One mention of your name, and it can tame the demon that's raging behind the wheels...' Kobori was glad to see Kasamatsu looked a lot calmer. 

"You know what, Kobori? I was initially worried Yuiko would bring back a bad boyfriend but I knew she'd make the right choice after all." 

"Oh? You're talking that boy from the other day?" 

"Yeah. Yuiko should be fine." 

"Good to see you're not one of those brothers who are overly protective of their sisters." 

"I can't protect her forever. I will just do whatever I can."

As the oldest sibling of the Kasamatsu family, he felt there's a need to protect his younger siblings, a sister and two little brothers. The Kasamatsu brothers all feel the need to protect their sister because she's the only who hasn't inherited that scary aura the brothers have when angered. However, when the time came for Kasamatsu to let his little sister go, he will let go with pride and-

"Oh, hell no!" 

Kasamatsu's angry voiced boomed as he eyed two particular people within Maji Burger.

"He's cheating on my sister!" 

"Huh? Who!" 

"That!" He angrily pointed for Kobori to see who he was talking about, "How dare he hang out with another girl when he already has my sister!" 

"Gakuto, you're right. The vanilla milkshake is nice..." Shishido might consider it the next time he's here.

"I know! It's best to try something new." 

"You're right about something for once." 

The two of them does not have a clue Kasamatsu Yukio was raging outside. Maybe it was because they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice or maybe the glass window prevented them from sensing the rising anger of the 20 year old. 

"There! I snapped a picture." Kasamatsu then used his phone and sent the picture to his little sister. The picture also had a caption to it.

--Your boyfriend is up to no good--

"You've got question 12 wrong. You've used the wrong formula for it." Moriyama explained to Yuiko. 

"I see." 

"You're getting better at it though." 

"Thank you, Senpai." Moriyama was helping Yuiko with the Math homework. He may not seem like it but he's pretty reliable when he needed to be.

Yuiko's cell phone suddenly vibrated on the table. 

"Yuki-nii?" She checked the phone to see there was an attachment to it. There was picture of Gakuto, a girl, and Shishido. She looked at the caption and her brother written, 'Your boyfriend is up to no good'. "Pfft!" Yuiko then typed back to her brother.

"Hm?" Kasamatsu received the message.

--My boyfriend is just with one of his best friend. They hang out often.--

"What?! Yuiko is too forgiving!" Kasamatsu hasn't got a clue what Yuiko was thinking at all, "I need to do something about it..." 

As her older brother, Kasamatsu Yukio can't let this slide!

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now