☀08☀ Redeeming myself

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Atobe's personal bus driver was taking the young master and his friends to the amusement park. Atobe was in a good mood and he said he was going to treat everyone to the amusement park and play to their heart's content. Everyone was excited to go, especially Gakuto. 

"Gakuto-kun, you look a lot happier." Yuiko said to him.

"Yeah! I want to go bungee jumping!" Gakuto was looking forward to it, he wanted to experience that feeling of falling all the way down only to spring up again! It's the closest thing to flying and he can't wait for it! "You'll join me, right?" 

"Eh? Me?" 


"Um, I thought I was going to help you take pictures of it..." 

"No, that's boring! You should join me!" 

"Um..." Yuiko wasn't so sure about it; it will be very high up and she's going to be scared...


"Hm?" When she looked at him, Gakuto sneaked a kiss upon her lips. When he backed away, she blushed cutely. 

"That bastard!" Kasamatsu shouted, "He saw me! He saw me and then he just kissed her! Look at that smug face he has! I want to hit him!"

It was a nice and sunny weekend so Kasamatsu decided to take everyone out to the amusement park. Kise has free tickets for it and they decided not to waste it. There were only 5 tickets but Yuiko said she had plans today so she can't make it. 

"Senpai, you really don't like that guy, huh?" Kise laughed nervously. Kise felt a little guilty now; if Kasamatsu got his hands on Gakuto later, it will be fault because he was the one who pointed out that he saw Yuiko on the bus...

"Of course I don't like him! What kind of a man would be on the floor and get his ass kicked?! I hate weak people..." 

"I am a better pick than that guy..." Moriyama complained, flicking his hair, "Your expectations are too high, Kasamatsu." 

"No, you are just challenging the norms, Moriyama, a healthy 20 year old wouldn't even think to hit on a 14 year old girl so I don't know what is wrong with you." Why does Moriyama always drop hints that he wanted to be Yuiko's boyfriend? Kasamatsu will never ever accept something like that because it's wrong no matter where you look at it! 'If she is older, I might think about it...' Kasamatsu thought, 'Moriyama is indeed better than Yuiko's current boyfriend. I won't tell him that though...' 

"Captain, I have apples if you'(r)e going to th(r)ow anything!" Hayakawa thought he was being helpful but the driver just made a weird look. 

"Hayakawa, you sure are prepared..." Kobori wondered why he has apples of all things to bring but now he finally realized its true purpose...

"Why would I need to throw fruits?" Kasamatsu seems to have forgotten about the banana-throwing incident. In fact, he can't remember his own car-raging moments afterwards. "I'll eat one when we arrive. I can use a snack..." 

"Gakuto-kun..." Yuiko felt a little shy; the kiss was so sudden and she can hear Jirou and Shishido making fun of them. 

"Shut up! It's normal that I would want to kiss my girlfriend!" Gakuto can see that the traffic has seperated the bus and Kasamatsu's car.

Maybe it's because they're in different vehicles that he felt a lot safer kissing Yuiko with Kasamatsu watching. He got a little excited and felt like he had won when he saw Kasamatsu say something with an angry look. Kasamatsu deserved to see that; no one told him to challenge him... 

Love Pass! POT/KnB Crossover!-Mukahi GakutoWhere stories live. Discover now