part 4

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"everything will be fine taebea -....."

the room filled with darkness ,the only source of light could be seen in the middle of the dark room was coming through a light bulb that kept on flicking ,swinging back and forth ,underneath it was an unconscious body of V tied to a chair ,it was pin drop silence only the sound of heavy breath coming from taehyung could be heard...

taehyung slowly opened his eyes only to meet with a dark room ,his body was still numb from the shot that made him unconscious ,his head was hurting badly ,he tried to move but all his effort were in vain ..

"those basters have gone too far "taehyung whispered to himself ,his voice was husky ,his mouth was dry , a painful hiss left from his lips..

"HAY!! LET ME GO YOU STUPID AGENTS " taehyung yelled shaking his body a bit trying to lose the ropes around him ,not caring if it will make bruises on is body .Then he heard the sound of a door opening ,and light escaping from it lighting up the entire room ,that's when taehyung could see the room filled with touchering devices and tools ..he looked at the person walking inside the room ,slowly stepping towards him.

"hi taehyung ,i see your awake....that were some high dose shot at you,how are you feeling?" the person with board shoulders spoke calmly ,he was sliming at taehyung, making taehyung question a little ...

"ah right.... i am feeling so good ,how about you.." ,tae said sarcastically rolling his eyes ,the man chuckled shaking his head .."sorry but we have to do it ,because your a stubborn kid and was putting quite a fight ,anyways i am kim seokjin ,you can call me jin or mom cuz you are my next child , AH I AM THE HAPPIEST MOTHER ALIVE ."jin squealed placing his hands dramatically on his chest and whipping his imaginarry tears...

"what the hell are you-"taehyung was cut by a slap on back of his head ,he groaned and glared at the man in front of him.."you bast-" he again got a slapped on his head ,he hissed glaring at jin.."why do you keep hitting me !!?" he finally said ducking his head waiting for another slap but it didn't came .

"don't you dare use that language in front of your mother or next time it will my pink pan that will crack your head!!"jin said crossing his arms around his chest .

"your not my mom !!"taehyung argued back scanning jin from head to toe giving him a questioning look ,jin gasps at tae making the younger more confuse..."i am ,disowned by my own child ,oh god i am going to die !"jin started to fake cry in front of the confuse younger ,who started to think that the man in front of him may have a mental sickness...he didn't know why but he felt comfortable talking to jin, his headache was increasing as jin starting to give him lesson about how he should respect his mom?? ...

"ok ok i get it ,jezz stop .."taehyung said shutting eyes as his head started to spin again..,jin immediately stopped looking at boy with worried eyes .. he then spoke calmly with sweet smile.

"sorry about that ...its my nature as i am the eldest and have to take care of five kids ,but i am here to take you to have dinner ,you must be starving ,right?",tae hesitantly nobbed because damn he was hungry ,one should never deny free food. .."but!! you have to promise me you won't run away ,look i know right now everything is confusing for you but trust me we won't hurt you ,actually its the opposite we are here to help you" jin said making the younger look at him with a frown,tae was about to ask but jin was quick to answer.."i know you don't understand ,but only one person can tell you the details but its not me and please trust me on this ,give us a chance taehyung ..hmm "

tae thought for second he knew one thing they were not forcing or touchring him ,if they wanted something they would have done that in the first place and namjoon told him that they need him to join them??but for for now his conscience was telling him to trust jin,he locked eyes with jin nobbing his head in agreement ..

"ok ,for now i trust you" tae said sighing ,jin beamed at his answer and hugged him without thinking "AHHH" tae shouted in pain ,his body was sore ,...jin quickly let go apologizing "ooopss"he grinned ,making tae glare at him ,then jin turned around making his way to the door .."we should get going others must be waiting" ,"ahmmm"tae fake coughed to get the elders attention ,who was expecting him to tag along while tide to a chair??..jin turned around noticing taehyung 'are you kidding me' face ..."oh right ...i forget , your tied up ..hehe" jin smile sheepishly making the younger roll his eyes in disbelief,jin started untying him,....when the ropes fell on the floor jin stepped back helping taehyung get up from the chair ,who had a painful expression ..

they then started to walk out side the room ,taehyung's body was still numb so he had to depend on jin ,jin supported him by holding his waist and holding his hand that lay on his bored shoulder ,almost dragging the younger ,taehyung didn't care to notice his surroundings because of his headache,he wanted to sleep and take a two or three days off due the pain he was feeling in his body.He glace at jin with one eye open and other closed.

"aren't you afraid that i might escape or hurt you while at it?"tae asked curious ,why was jin trusting him that much after all he was an assassin "with your condition right now ,i think a kid will easily win against you"jin said dragging him to a big hall ,then he took some turns which taehyung wasn't able to notice ,after it felt an hour to tae they finally stop at the kitchen entrance ,taehyung opened his eyes when he heard some noises ,like someone was fighting over bananamilk??,he looked at jin who was completely un bothered.

jin then opened the door revealing a big kitchen ,tae shut his eyes when his head spin again .The voices were now stopped ,tae was seated at the dinning table by jin ,jin straighted his back making a crack sound ....,tae glance around the table to notice four boys seated looking at him ,more like staring at him with killing eyes,as of a cue jin cleared his throat.

"how about we do some introductions, tae ,meet my other kids"

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