part 22

602 32 8

sorry for mistakes

'past memories'


it was a very peaceful and memorable evening for the boys as they played all day long ,they made beautiful memories that will last longer in their heart as a symbol of happiness and a symbol of .........sadness..

they were on their way back ,chatting with each other with their driver or more like a big brother figure 'Mark Lee' also a body guard for taehyung to look after him and tell his boss about taehyungs' whereabouts.

but the thing is he doesn't do that he was well a wear about the treatment the little boys get ,so as a kind hearted he was he always helped them ,he adored the little kids with his dear life ,so currently he was taking them back  home safe after sneaking out with troublemakers ......

the car ride was as always chaotic but it  abruptly stopped making them jerk forward bumping into each other.

jin spoke first after checking on the boys if they were fine " Mark hyung  what happened , are you okey " seeing mark all tensed up wasn't helping .

" i don't know kid its just a car that pull in front of our car ,you guys wait here ill check " with that mark went out of the car to see what happened .

the boys tensed up seeing a black car in front of them ,they were hoping whatever they were thinking wouldn't be true ..

that those were their boss's cars

but guess it was not the fate had have for them.

first they saw mark talking to the person dressed  in all black that came out of that car every thing was okey as it seems when they saw mark retreating figure .

it all happened with in seconds they  saw mark laying on the road ......


he was shot by the man he talked a while ago.

taehyung who in his entire life never seen anyone getting killed or even getting hurt in front of him was frozen on his place ,he couldn't comprehend what was going on all he could see was mark pale  face and  a lot of blood coming out of his body .

compare to him the others were not fazed why??.... that was other story to tell but they were heart broken because mark was like their big brother.

a loving and caring brother .

the boys didn't get to think for a second when few man in black came and starting to drag them out of the car not caring if any of them getting hurt in the process

taehyung who was silently looking at the dead body while being dragged out couldn't hear his friends shouts for him ,he couldn't hear their screams for him ..

he slowly slipping to the dark

he was out of his shocked state when he heard jimin screaming out for him,"DON'T YOU ALL DEAR TO TOUCH HIM HE HAS NOTHING TO DO I WAS THE ONE WHO TOOK HIM AND THE OTHERS TO THE PARK!!"

'no he is lying.....i asked him please  let them go ' taehyung wanted to say but his voice got stuck inside his throat .

he saw how the man who was holding jimin back hit him on his head making the said boy unconscious falling on the ground .

"JIMIN NO!! let me go you idiot!!" taehyung struggled in the man's hold ,his eyes were getting teary eyes but his voice didn't came out .

he looked at the others struggling in other men's hold,jungkook was full on crying, his Bambi  eyes were red swollen trying his best to reach out for taehyung but he couldn't .

hoseok and namjoon were fighting against three men but ended up getting hit by them as they were out numbered and not well trained.

jin was also unconscious,blood oozing out of his forehead , he  carelessly thrown in one of the cars that the men came in .

on the other hand yoongi was attaching the tall man who held taehyung with full force ,taking few hits now and then stumbling back on each hit he took,his face was bruised ,his body was aching  but  he didn't gave up not now not ever.

even though yoongi was fighting greatly with the man up front though he wasn't strong enough ,he got hard hit on the head by another man while fighting one making him fall unconscious ...

'no yoonie get up please ...y-yoonie
' taehyung let out a sob seeing his yoonie all beaten up ,he tried to free himself but he was .....weak..

taehyung and yoongi were thrown in one black van ,taehyung held unconscious yoongi close to his chest ,whimpering and sobbing silently as the men drove don't know where .

after it felt like hours to taehyung the car finally stopped at an abandoned house ,he took some time to analyse his surrounding ,they were in middle of some kind of forest with tall bushy trees ,the house itself looked like a horror  house .

taehyung gulped fear started to crep inside of him he held on to yoongi for dear life burying his head in crook of his brothers neck calming himself .

this what he usually did with yoongi and jin when he was afraid ,he felt calm and safe with him ....especially his brother jin or jiji

he heard the sound of car door being  opened ,with a spilt second he was harshly torn away from yoongi ,he screamed for yoongi to wake up but that didn't happened ,he was taken to to a dark room with no window ,throwing him inside the man looked him in ......all alone....

" mommy i am s-scared ....y-yoonie..... i am scared p-please come back "

the little boy  cried and cried for don't know how long ,he felt numb ,scared and lonely ,he was all alone in that dark room with a hunted memory of his driver being killed ,jimin being unconscious ,jungkook crying for him ,jin bruises,namjoon  hoseok injures and yoongi being held somewhere while being unconscious ...

all of that was a beginning where he started to lose himself.......slowly .....yet painfully.

hello everyone
hope you like
i couldn't update cuz you know enjoying my free time while painting and stuff ..😁

do guys have any questions🤔?

please try to comment your thought that will also help me improve and encourage me to write more.

i purple you💜

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