part 5

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"how about we do some introductions, tae meet my other kids"

tae right now was sitting with five men ,he was feeling really uncomfortable table because all eyes were on him,his headache was finally bare able due to the medicine jin gave him ....but he still felt awkward because whenever he tried to lift his spoon to eat ,all five boy's eyes would travel tae's moment like lost puppy,if it would be anyone on tae's position they would think these boys haven't eaten in months because the way they all were drooling at tae's food ....,tae looked at them with questioning eyes ,then cleared his throat gaining their attention ,jin was the one to speak first .

"no Taehyung we all ate already ,you can eat"

"i would've if you weren't looking at the food like hungry dogs!!" tae said almost annoyed .

"yah !! who are you calling dogs!!" jin shouted almost ready to kick tae's butt ,while tae sat there un bothered .

"you should know how -" jin was cut off by tae ,who pinch the bridge of his nose while sighing

"please jin don't start again with your mom lectures ,i am tired and hungry "

"how do you --,OK whatever but lets introduce our self's shall we ,boys ??" jin said, clasping his hands,

"you already know me but i am Kim namjoon ,also known as RM ,leader of bang tan" namjoon said looking at tae sternly for a second but then smiled ,he added.
" it will great having you on our side "
to that taehyung just shrugged looking at next person beside namjoon ,a shorter male with which tae already encounter before ,'JM was his name' tae thought

"i am park jimin ,also JM ,i am good with guns ,you know I am same age as you we can be best friends" ,jimin said beaming and clapping his hands in excitement ,that made tae confuse at the man's behaviour but moved to next person ,he was smiling widely and giving tae glowing aura ,tae could tell that he was full of energy .

"hello~ i am Jung hoseok or jhope,best hacker ,i am the sunshine for these old people here .",jhope winked at tae giving him a huge smile ,but for tae it was creeping the hell out of him ,he is not the type to smile a lot... at least he thinks he is..

"you already know me, i am Kim seokjin,also jin,best gang doctor ,also a mom of the gang ,you know your handsome but not more than me ,got that "jin huffed at his last words making tae scoff ,he then smirked looking at jin with mischievous eyes

"where's the dad of the gang,like your a mom so there should be a father right??" tae said looking at jin then at namjoon ....,a normal person wouldn't be able notice anything but taehyung has the ability to tell what is going on between the people ,right now he could see namjoon eyes have something for jin and the same goes for jin ..

all the members got what tae said but jin was confused ,he looked at his members who were trying not to laugh ,and then at namjoon ,who shook his head controlling his laugh ,"why are you laughing ,what is so--,OH MY GOD TAEHYUNG ,YOU DID NOT JUST DID THAT !!! "jin shouted at tae with red tomato face after realising what he said..

"you are an open book any one can point out ,anyways ....plz carry on with introduction" tae said locking his eyes with the younger male beside him ,the one tae injured a while ago ,nobbing his. head so the younger could start,

"i am jeon jungkook ,also jk best fighter ,good with all weapons ,also the youngest in the gang "jk said hissing with pain ,due to the cut on his right leg ,tae sighed then looked at his hands and spoke after some silence .

"I am Kim taehyung ,also known as V ,an assassin ,good with almost everything..."

"if the introduction part is over then i guess we should get to the real deal....why are you all so desperate to get your hands on me" tae spoke this time seriously ,his voice changed a bit ,becoming more deeper and demanding.

"the introductions are not over yet ,there is one more person ,who is probably on a mission.....and we will get to the business after he's here."namjoon spoke in same tone as V used ...there was again silence among them .

"by the way ,why did you ended being an assassin ,you could've been a model ,your hot AF" ,this time jhope spoke ,while the others nobbed in agreement .

tae chuckled "thank you i guess??,but don't you think an assassin is much hotter than a model hmm??" he smirked ,while other looked at him amused .

"right ! not hotter than me puff i am world wide handsome ,you know" jin said flipping his imaginary long hair .

"jin i know only one thing that is ,your are becoming older day by day ,"jimin said boringly,while jhope was chocking on his 5th bottle of sprite that he was drinking .

"YAH!! PARK JIMIN ,NO FOOD FOR YOU TOMORROW ",jin yelled at jimin,hitting him with a pink pan that just appears out of no where .

"jimin you're jamless ,the shit you tell us is old like jin,tell us something new we don't know" jungkook said resting his head on his hand supported by table ....jimin who sat next to him ,pushed his hand making jk head fall on the table with a load thud ....

after that everything seemed to be flying here and there ,jin holding his pan ready to hit the two ,while jk and jimin were slapping each other like girls ,on the other hand jhope again chocked on his drink ,making namjoon his caretaker, who rubbed his back continuously ....

everyone stopped when they heard tae laughing loudly ,he was on verge of crying,holding his stomach which was now in pain due to laughing hard, he couldn't stop for a second ,his face was completely red ,its been years ever since he laughed that hard ....all the members looked at him with smile on their faces .

tae eventually stopped laughing ,whipping his tears ,he clears his throat ,"its been years i laughed this hard ,what are you guys clowns ??,god my stomach hurts !!"he spoke smile not leaving his face ...but

his smile dropped ,body tensed and blood running cold when a voice he heard years ago boomed in the kitchen ,making the members of bangtan smile wider..

"its good to hear your voice after long time ..."(?)

tae thought it was just his headache and his mind playing tricks, may be it was his imagination ,but it was not his imagination neither his mind played any tricks on him ,when he slowing turned around facing the male standing few steps away from him ,giving him chills .....

tae's breath hitched ,his voice coming out as whisper ......

"yoongi. !!"

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