it was tuesday and to be completely honest, i was slightly nervous. i was meeting luke, calum's friend, roommate, and co worker at the music shop.
i placed my last coffee of the day in the customers hands and smile shortly. wiping my hands on my apron, i pulling back my fallen strands of hair behind my eyes. i begin to untie the back of the apron when someone calls out my name.
"don't you dare take that off esme! you have five more customers today." i look up to calum and a tall, thin, blonde kid behind him. in a panic, my eyes dart around the cafe looking for the customers. "i'm kidding." he chuckles through his thick accent. i sigh heavily and whip the dirty green apron off, hanging it on it's hook and taking my purse and jacket.
bundled up, i nod to the two boys to show them i am ready to leave.
"this is luke, but you knew that. luke this is esme, but you also know that because i told you about her." calum exchanges out names, i wave and look down on the cold cement, blushing. the cute boy, with the cute accent, and awesome music taste that i had listened to all weekend, talked about me with his bestfriend. i hope he didn't say anything horrible, like i smelled bad. usually in movies this is a sign that the guy likes you, if he tells his friends, but i am not one to jump to conclusions.
"see i told you he's shy! you are exactly alike!" calum shouts out, laughing. he ruffles his hand through his hair and nudges luke. "luke did i tell you that esme has this beautiful dog, so cute and cuddly!" cal gushes.
"yes, probably about a billion times." the tall blonde rolls his eyes and gives me a look that says 'it's all he talks about. help.' i laugh at him, already becoming friends with out even saying a word to him. "next he's gonna talk about how you love all time low, but he'll leave out the part that he likes to get in arguments about which band is better just to hear you talk."
"oh he just likes hearing my accent because he's foreign." i shrug off, attempting to hide my rosy cheeks.
"so, you like to hear me talk because i'm foriegn is what you're saying?"calum fires back.
"don't you lie."he smirks. we reach the car and i stand to the side, calum makes luke sit in the back seat and opens the door for me like a gentleman.
"i can sit in the back, i don't mind really." i offer.
"if you don't sit soon he'll force you in that seat, he has a massive crush on you." luke laughs and calum turns pale.
"no i don't!" he grunts, horribly lying.
the three of us drive in silence for the first few minutes, the all time low cd he bought last week playing. soon the two boys began to talk about football and all the matches that would happen this weekend. every once in a while i added in my opinion. reaching my building, i hop out and wave to the two. the car pulls away and the blush i have been holding in, shows as my face turns into a cherry.
(Ship names?)

Car Pool {c.h.}
Fanfictionthe bus broke down, i had no ride. he offered and i simply said okay. A Calum Hood Short Story. All Copy right belong to the author, @ashtonschuckle. No stealing ideas, characters, plots, or settings please.