Chapter 1 - Freedom at What Expense

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I still can't wrap my head around losing Chuck. His lifeless, pleading eyes haunt me every time I close my eyes. I loved him as a little brother. We all did. All I felt was Newt's arms as he pulled me away from the bloody scene and led me into some helicopter. I screamed and clawed at Chuck's clothes thinking I could still save him.

And Gally. How could he have done that to Chuck! He may have been difficult during our last few days in the maze, but I know that he isn't a bad person He couldn't do such a thing. That's not the Gally I knew.

Maybe we never should have left the maze.

"Cara wake up!! We gotta go!" I abruptly woke up to the sound of Newt's voice.
"Faster people!!" Some guy shouted as he pushed me out of the helicopter. Newt tightly held my hand as we ran towards a large facility.

There were so many things happening at once. I looked around and saw that we were in what seemed like a dessert. Armed guards surrounded us as they shot at people, but they don't seem human. Their shrieks and gurgles filled my ears. I felt numb but I was still running as fast as I can just like the others. I quickly glanced around to check if everybody was there but the bright lights from the facility were blinding.

Next thing I knew we were inside. To my relief, we didn't lose anybody else. Soon a man named Janson introduced himself to the group and he told us that they've rescued us from WCKED and that we're safe now. This garnered sighs of relief from everyone but there was no rejoicing.

After this, we were led to another room. In the middle was a long table full of food and everyone was grabbing mouth fulls in a split second. It was like everything went away for a moment. Someone started a food fight and soon enough I was throwing a meatball at Minho while Newt was getting some noodles out of my hair. We were all laughing like we didn't have a care in the world. Like two of our friends haven't just died.

"This is too good to be true." Thomas said in a drunk-like stupor.
"Do you think they'll feed us like this everyday? Man, that was the best meal of my life." Frypan said to the group.
"I sure hope they do," Winston chuckled. We were all sitting together around the table making conversation while I leaned on Newt.
"I still can't stop thinking about Chuck." Thomas' voice wavered for a moment.
"And Gally too." I whispered sadly. For some reason I feel like what I said halted the conversation.
"It wasn't him." I spoke when nobody replied.
"It was him." Thomas gritted his teeth.
"He wasn't himself guys! Did you see his eyes? They were glassy, he-he wasn't in contro-" I argued.
"Why are you defending him, Cara? He killed Chuck." Teresa took Thomas' side.
"Let's just not talk about it, ayt? We deserve a moment of peace, just for once." Newt firmly said as he squeezed my hand. Minho who was sitting beside me also gave me a pat on the back.

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