Chapter 18 - Stop Over Chit Chat

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After running some more, we eventually stopped for a breath. I can see that Teresa was still a bit shaken so I just sat beside her and rubbed her back.
"So tell me. Why did you escape WICKED, huh? Didn't buy their promises of paradise did ya?" Jorge said as he scanned our group.
For a moment everyone was just looking at each other waiting for someone to answer. As expected, Newt spoke up.
"Thomas and Aris, here," He looked over to Aris before proceeding, "-discovered that they weren't really sending kids to a safe haven. Right, Aris?"
"Yeah. So many kids were suspended in some fluid...with various tubes and wires connected to their bodies. One of my friends was in there along with the other kids who supposedly were sent to the paradise they were talkin' about." I think this is the first time I heard Aris talk so much.
"Hmm...I see. And this Thomas, he's your leader?" Jorge prodded.
"Well, I guess yeah. Without him we wouldn't have escaped the maze, then WICKED's facility." Newt shrugged.
"And you? You seem to know your way around here." Minho asked Jorge.
"Its called survival, hermano. You do what you gotta do, make as much connections as you can, and exploit whatever you can to get by." He winked.
"And is Brenda your daughter?" I asked causing him to look my way. His eyes lingered on my face.
"Nah...But I practically raised her." He muttered as he stared harder at me and Teresa.
"Got a problem?" Minho asked Jorge when he noticed this.
"You two...You look familiar." He said in deep thought.
"Ahh." He mused after a few minutes.
"Ava Paige's prodigies." He smirked triumphantly.
"What?" Minho asked him.
"Your faces were in every screen, every WICKED promo, every billboard back then, yea. The 15 year old doctors, fighting to save the world. Then at the end you'll always say some stupid bullcrap inviting kids to WICKED to join the cause." Jorge teased. Teresa and I remained quiet.
"Well that's a bunch of klunk." Minho scoffed.
"No way." He said in disbelief after he realized that Jorge wasn't kidding.
"Oh so you haven't told your friends here." Jorge fueled the growing tension.
"So its true, C?" Fry asked me a hint of betrayal in his voice. I gave him a sorry nod.
"We all worked for WICKED before." Teresa pointed out quickly.
"But you two were at the forefront. I personally know some people who sent their kids in because you "inspired" them." Jorge quoted with a teasing smirk on his face.
"Anyway. Let's keep on going. Dawn's breakin'." Jorge stood up and dusted his pants. The silence between the group grew louder as we continued walking.

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