Chapter 19 - Not up for a Party

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As we continued to travel on foot, we saw more and more dilapidated houses and buildings. Only now, people were actually living in them. In some places, business went on as usual. The whole place seemed sketchy.
Though I rarely payed attention to these as I battled with the guilt that was brought about by Jorge's words awhile ago. Imagine how many kids died because of me and my false promises. Allowing myself to be brainwashed by WICKED cost so many innocent lives. I think everyone's conscience was also bothered by the news. Teresa, however, seemed to be battling with something else. She was always deep in thought as if heavily debating something in her head. But I let her be. We needed to fight our own battles for now.

Eventually we arrived at where this so called Markus lived. It was more of a bar than a house though and it reeked of alcohol. Prostitutes littered the entrance and they offered us different drinks which almost made me gag. Newt was quickly by my side.
"Stay close, love." He whispered.
"Markus, hermano." Jorge purred as he made his way to a middle-aged man standing by the door.
"Jorge!! My friend!" He said. It didn't take much to realize that he was on drugs.
"Have you seen a girl with black, short hair...Wearing a red sweater and blue jeans? And uhm...a boy, about 5'9 also black hair." He questioned.
"No. Not at all! Would you like a drink?" He offered Jorge a swig of his drink. I couldn't really tell if he was lying.
"Well then, let us take a look inside." Jorge demanded as he declined the alcohol.
"Oh, this is the admission my friend!" Markuz said growing less sane by the minute. He now pushed the bottle to Jorge's chest.
In a quick series of events, Jorge pinned Markus to the wall causing the bottle to shatter on the ground.
"Don't try me, hermano." He said intimidatingly.
"Woa-woa!!! Alright! Party pooper. Go!" I saw a look of fear cross Markus' features before he laughed wildly.
Inside was a different world. The stench of alcohol and sweat filled the air. Loud music deafened my ears. The dim, crowded room was full of people doing drugs, dirty dancing, or eating each other's faces. We even passed some people crowded over a chained up crank like some kind of ritual. So I made sure to stick with the group, holding Newt's hand tighter.
"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIND THEM HERE?" I heard Minho shout over the music.
"YOU TELL ME HERMANO!" I think I heard Jorge said.
We continued to wander deeper into the crowded room looking for Thomas and Brenda. But they didn't seem to be here. Or so I thought. Just everything about the place made it impossible to find them. At one point, I shrieked when I felt a hand grab my butt.
"Hi gorgeous." A drunk guy with foul smelling breath said. I tried to pry his hand away but he was quite strong.
"Don't touch her," Newt growled before punching him in the jaw. The guy fell to the ground groaning in pain.
"Thanks, Newt." I hugged his arm and lead us away from the scene before the guy recovered.
"I DONT THINK THEY'RE HERE JORGE!" Newt said after some more walking around.
"LETS HEAD BACK." We started making our way back to the entrance. I was growing more worried about Thomas, and Brenda too. What if they didn't make it?

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