Chapter 11 - Living in the Scorch

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Only now did I realize the desolation we were subjected to as we're walking in the searing hot Scorch. I tried to shield my face from the sun using my jacket but to no avail. Tall and abandoned buildings surrounded us, as did piles of debris and rubble. There were no signs of life.

I looked back every now and then to check how the others were doing. Newt would glance every now and then and I'd try to smile as a sign of "I'm okay." Sometimes we'd actually ask each other but the heat made no room for chit chat.

"Guys! Guys!" Thomas suddenly shouted. We all turned to him.
"Shh." He put his fingers to his lips and looked around.
"Can you hear that?" He asked aloud.
"Hear what?" Newt asked back.
And that's when I felt the slight rumbling of the ground. Then, an increasing rumble in the sky.
"Get down!!! Everybody hide!" Thomas shouted in panic as we all dove under a small concealment under a rock.
As soon as we were all hidden, I saw a berg hovering above. Its mechanical chuffing was now reverberating in my ears.
WICKED was searching for us. I gave Teresa a quick look and I knew she was considering this an opportunity.
"No." I mouthed to her. Luckily, she seemed to let go off the idea when Thomas asked her if she was okay.
Newt seemed to notice this interaction but didn't ask me any questions.

Soon enough, the Berg flew North and disappeared.
"They're never gonna stop looking for us are they?" Newt said to himself as we left our hiding spot while holding my hand.
"Everyone good?" Thomas asked the group to which mostly everyone replied with a 'yes' or a thumbs up.

After this, we went back to walking. Sometimes when Newt was walking in front of me, I would notice that his limp has become more noticeable perhaps because of the walking. So I'd sometimes ask the group to stop, saying that I need to catch a breath or drink some water just so he can rest for a bit.

We've been walking for what seems like a few hours. The megalithic and decaying buildings were now far behind us and we were basically crossing a vast dessert now. We hiked up a sand dome and took a look at the far away mountains.
"Those mountains. That's got to be it," Thomas told us.
"That's where were going?" Minho asked with some disbelief.
"That's a long way off!" Frypan exclaimed.
"Then we better get moving." Thomas replied.
Just as he said this, Winston started falling down the sand slope.
"Winston!" Everybody shouted as we scrambled to help him up.
When I got to him, I surveyed his state. He lost consciousness probably because of his injuries coupled with the scorching heat.
"What do we do?"
"We need to carry him or haul him or something. He can't continue walking like this." I said in panic.
So the group searched around for pieces of wood we can place Winston on. Luckily, Thomas found a large plank that fits Winston's body. The others helped to make it more maneuverable. So we strapped Winston in and proceeded with our journey.
Since most of the guys were the ones carrying Winston, it was usually me and Teresa leading the group. I'd see her glancing at me from the peripherals of my vision but I ignored it. Eventually she spoke up when we were further away from the boys.
"Care! Talk to me!"
"What Teresa? Can't we just do it later?" I pleaded.
"We have to go back."
"No, Teresa! You won't convince me to work for WICKED again! Please stop trying." I tried to shout above the howling wind.
"Think about your family."
As soon as she said that I froze. Memories of my father shooting my mother, the half-eaten remains of my infant brother on our bedroom floor came rushing back without giving me time to prepare. How many kids are experiencing the same thing I did because we haven't found a cure yet? My knees sank to the sand as tears brimmed my eyes.
"I didn't want to go there but think about it Care. Think about how many kids wont have to go through that if we come back and find the cure." She whispered into my ear as she helped me up.
"What happened?!" Newt came rushing to my side after having seen me fall.
"Nothing, I just tripped." I replied in an empty tone. I broke free from Newt's arms and ran forward, way ahead of the group.
"Cara!" He called out but I continued running. I couldn't stop the tears now. But I wiped them before the others saw. I eventually stopped running knowing I shouldn't stray too far and so I surveyed the land for a place to rest. We soon found a little shed and motioned for the others to follow.

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