Chapter 10 - Bickering at Its Finest

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I woke up first as the dawn was breaking. I couldn't get anymore sleep so I just observed Newt's handsome features as he slept peacefully. I was scared of telling him about my memories because what if he doesn't see me the same anymore? And, I didn't want to recount my childhood.
"Morning earlybird." Minho said beside me as he scrubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"Slept soundly?" I asked as I faced him and hugged my knees to my chest.
"Tell me who can sleep soundly on a pile of rubble, C." He propped himself up on his elbows.
"Still sassy as ever, I see." I made a face at him. He returned the favor by plucking out a piece of hair from my just neatly done ponytail. Something he did back in the glade to annoy me.
"Shuckface." I said as I swatted his hand away.
"Hey, but you're okay right?" He said sincerely as I untied my hair.
"Minho's getting all mushy." I teased him.
"Just concerned that's all." He shrugged.
"Yeah, course I am. Why?"
"Why? It's just that when we saw you in that hospital bed yesterday you were so pale and lifeless. And that damn oxygen mask on your face. Kinda thought you were dead for a sec." He looked into the distancr.
"You do know that they're giving me oxygen cuz I'm still alive right?" I joked but he simply shook his head.
"I'm being serious here, C. You gave me quite a scare there. Especially Newt." We both looked over to Newt's sleeping form.
"I know. I'm sorry. But I'm really fine, Minnie. And thank you for carrying me out of there." I squeezed his arm.
"Yeah that's right, you didn't tell me you were so heavy!" I threw a small rock at him which he quickly dodged.
"Hey!" He said in mock annoyance.
Minho and I talked some more before I remembered that I had to check on Winston. I went over to him and discovered that he was awake and burning with a fever.
"Hey Winston. Come drink some water," I took the bottle from his pack and lifted his head a little so he can drink.
"Thank you, C."
"I'm not gonna make it am I?" He held my hand before I did something else.
"We'll find you help soon." I tried to sound reassuring but the falter in my voice might have given me away.
I checked his bandages and saw that it was quite soaked with blood. But I decided to leave it like that at least until the afternoon.
Since its still quite early and the others haven't woken up yet, I decided to stay by Winston's side to at least give him some company.
We exchanged a few sentences but he soon succumbed to sleep. I looked over to Minho and saw that he too fell back asleep.
I tried closing my eyes as well but all I can see are the corpses of my family. So I settled for braiding my hair. I woke everyone up as soon as the sun was up. And soon we were off.

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