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It feels as if there is some request hidden in your heart,
as if you have said something with your eyes.

Two raging alphas were stood at the exit of the open market, puffing their chests out. A growl of frustration resonated from behind them. Louis realised the growl came from no one but Harry. The alpha then started moving towards them. When he was at arms length from both the omegas, he grabbed Niall's arm and dragged him towards the exit. Louis's eyes widened, he was scared for his best friend and upset at the alpha's rude behaviour. Now that he had seen this side of the alpha, Louis decided that he wanted nothing to do with him.

"Stop." Louis said. Nobody had noticed the buzz of the market was already dead until Louis's soft voice echoed in the air. All the shopkeeper's had shut their stalls to go back home upon seeing the arrival of the mighty big alpha. 'Everyone is so scared of him.'

Porul was the alpha of their pack. People didn't fear him, they respected him. The people of the pack had faith in their alpha. But with this alpha, everything was different. The alpha was shaking with suppressed fury for being stopped in his way. He slowly turned around. In his arms, the usually lively omega was a crying mess with snot running down his chin. The sight of the alpha in all his glory was very pleasing to the eye but Louis couldn't care less. He rushed to where his best friend was and took him in his arms. He petted his wild blonde hair and comforted him. When Niall had calmed down, he risked looking the alpha in the eye only to look back down as the alpha was watching him like a hawk.

"Love, come here." The raven haired alpha said to the blonde. Niall raised his head from Louis' neck and sniffled a yes. Louis was left bewildered when Niall explained his situation to him. These two alphas were his soulmates and they had come to take him.

The other alpha came and took Niall from him and started walking out of the market. Niall turned around and waved a silent goodbye to his best friend, needless to say Louis was shocked at the scenery. He had defended Niall and this is what he got in return.

With a mixture of shame and fury in his pacific eyes, he looked up at the alpha who was still standing in front of him, and the anger was very much evident in his eyes. Louis disappointedly shook his head. He was disappointed with Niall, he was angry at the alpha for being so him. Louis realised the alpha wasn't a very emotional person. He looked down to prevent the tears threatening to flow. He didn't want the alpha to have the satisfaction of seeing him cry as a result of being insulted by his best friend.

'Niall didn't even think twice before leaving me.' He huffed and made a move to towards the exit. He wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"Omega, where do you think you are going?" Roared the alpha behind him. 

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