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"Your clothes are very revealing." Harry observed.

Louis looked down from where he was packing his bags to hide his reddening cheeks. His clothes weren't very revealing, they just showed a sliver of his waist.

"They are not." Louis huffed and kept on packing his clothes in four heavy suitcases. He had a lot of things to pack. And he didn't think it was manageable without any help. He had voiced this out to the alpha who denied him of any help from any other alpha or beta. Louis was almost ready to cry but he stopped himself from doing so. Ever since meeting the alpha, Louis noticed, he has done nothing except willing himself not to cry at every point.

Louis sighed as he closed the zip of his last bag. The alpha didn't even have the decency to help him even when he saw the small omega struggling to put everything in the heavy bags.

He turned around to tell the alpha that he was done with the packing only to notice the absence of him, leaving just his scent behind. Louis didn't know what the alpha had planned for them, were they supposed to forget everything and start afresh or was he going to be treated as if he were nothing.

He knew that deep inside he had already fallen in love with the alpha. He became aware of their destinies when he tried to make a connection with his mother to put an end to his confusion about his feelings towards harry. She just smiled at him in his dream, " Louis, I know that you are very aware about how every seed needs love, care and patience to grow into something beautiful and prosper. Your connection is just like that, little bug. Give it some time." And just like that she had vanished.

He clenched his eyes shut and tried to focus on his breathing. He needed to have a clear mind with this arrangement. Having the alpha loom at his back every now and then was a lot for the omega. His inner wolf was begging him to just turn around and submit to the alpha, give him his all.

But Louis knew that this was just their wolves reacting, Harry's wolf wanted to mate his. Harry wanted nothing to do with him, has never wanted anything to do with Louis, neither at the market nor here two years later.

Dusting his clothes back into place, as his blouse had ridden up a little when he was stuffing his clothes in several pastel coloured bags, he made his way downstairs to bid farewell to his father. Upon reaching the last stair, he could hear quiet grumbles.

Harry and Porul were having an intense staring match and after holding his ground for a bit, Porul finally listened to his inner wolf and bowed his head in respect to the alpha of the most prestigious clan. Both of them could smell Louis' anxiety laced scent and they were quick to turn their heads towards to the small anxious omega peeking in the dining room with his dainty fingers clutching the doorframe firmly.

"Have packed everything." Louis murmured. Harry strode towards the frail omega and grabbed his arms in his rough paws. He tugged at the omega to move him towards the exit of the house.

"Sabor." He whispered. The small sound had the alpha groan in annoyance as he released his grip on the omega and gave him a little nudge towards Louis' father, who was stood as firm as a wall but the freely-flowing tears on his face were enough to contradict his faux exterior of toughness that he was trying hard to establish.

A bit small, I know. But please bear with my. I'll be updating multiple crappies v soon.

Did y'all like this one tho.

Hope you did. :))


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