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Agony is all I feel when I look at them

And it consumes me when I look away.

On his way back to the place he is supposed to call home, Louis's mind is riddled with questions about the change in Harry's behaviour. It's not a massive change, yet even its negligible magnitude was enough to boggle Louis's mind.

'At the market you were mean, back at my home you were arrogant, the first day I came here you were rude, but a day in and you have stripped your arrogance off instead have now chosen to wear the skin of ignorance. What are you doing harry? Why do you hate me? You hate me, yet you want me to cook for you, you dislike my presence yet you stare at me until I escape your range of sight. Who are you?'

The opening of massive doors by the guards allowed the omega to enter in. He made his way towards his chambers all the whilst looking around.

Laying in his soft bed after changing into night clothing, the omega sighed. He looked to the side, towards his bedside table, and smiled at the photo of his younger self being carried on his sabor's shoulders. Little fingers inched towards the frame and caressed the worry-less face of his father smiling at him. A lone tear escaped the confines of his eyes as he recalled all the sweet memories he had with Porul, someone who didn't give birth to him but was more of a parent than his own mother.

His eyes blinked shut. The omega slept clutching the framed photo to his chest and the sweet laugh of his sabor accompanied in his dream as well.


The following morning, Harry was in the grounds, practising his swordsmanship with a long haired alpha named Neev, one of the strongest alphas in the clan. He had smelled him, before laying his eyes on him. Harry looked at the two people approaching the grounds filled to the brim with aggressive, powerful yet extremely disciplined alphas of the army. Anne playfully dragged Louis behind her and the small omega was giggling throughout the distance.

"Anne, I don't know anything about archery." He giggled, covering his mouth with a small palm.

"Well, that is exactly why I am dragging you here Lou." She rolled her eyes, grinning.

The intimidating fracas of the large number of alpha soldiers came to a halt at listening to the voices of the two goddesses. With heads bowed and back straight, all the soldiers stood rigid and turned their eyes towards Harry to gauge his reaction. All of them, happy for their alpha god, were eager to see him in a trance again. And their wish was fulfilled, albeit for a short period, before he grunted and got back to slicing his sword through Neev's dark skin. The soldiers' smile turned into a wince looking at the blood flowing out of Neev's wounds.

When Neev had got down on his knees, a sign of acceptance of defeat, only had Harry stopped. The alpha looked back towards the direction of Anne and Louis and was taken aback by the baby blues staring right in his direction. Even with distance between them, Harry could make out clear disdain and pity in the omega's eyes. Disdain for him and his ways and the latter, harry was sure, was directed towards the alpha he had injured severely.

Louis shook his head before following Anne towards an area which was a little secluded on the grounds. There were several human shaped targets several meters away, yellow in colour visible against the dark boundary wall behind them.

"But why do I need to learn this?" Louis whined, giggling at Anne's determined face.

"Because." Louis' eyes grew expectant for a reason but apparently that was the extent of Anne's answer. He sighed dejectedly and pouted.

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