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"While walking down a path, I often feel

like your eyes are watching me from hiding."


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(harry in this fic^)

"Away from you." Rang in the air. Suddenly it was all too much. Meeting Zomos, the alpha of all alphas, having my best friend taken away from me to god knows where, not having a clue about Lanosh, the one who drove us here. Louis just felt the need to get away. He wanted to run away from this place, wanted to run away from Harry, he wanted to run away from himself and the feeling was extremely suffocating.

The alpha's eyes had turned black a while ago, but upon seeing this omega who he had claimed as his, openly disrespecting him and wanting to leave had him absolutely seething. He felt the overwhelming urge to grab that curvy disobedient omega and turn his arse a pretty shade of red. But somehow, he controlled this need and focused on the now departing omega.

It didn't take him any time to grab and haul Louis on his shoulder. Instead of screams and wails which the alpha had accepted, his actions were only met with a soft whisper "Where are we going, harry?"

"Home." The alpha simply shrugged and continued his way out towards the parking where several of his men- all alphas, were stood. He heard a sniffle from above him and his heart cracked. "I don't want to go to your house. You want to mate me. You have to ask my father first." The omega stated through her cute sniffles. This made the alpha freeze.

"I don't want to mate you. What makes you think that anybody will ever want to touch you." He said while setting the omega down. The tone and the look of absolute seriousness on the alpha's had a new batch of tears forming in the omega's eyes.

He shook his head at harry. Looked around at the men surrounding them with their head bowed, as if to give them privacy. He snorted and looked up at the steely green eyes. Oh how, I wanted nothing more than staring into his eyes a while ago. But now, his eyes just feel intruding. He musters all the courage left in him at that moment and looks at the alpha right in the eye. "I couldn't care less about who wants me or not. But one thing is for sure, alpha, I want nothing to do with you. You have already had my best friend taken away from me. I am not going anywhere with you." He cried out.

The Alpha just chuckled before his eyes turned cold again. He smirked at the shivering omega in front of him. Harry wanted him, he wanted to mate this omega and shield him from the eyes of the world but he just lost control when this omega disrespected him. He was used to people being at his beck and call. He lives a life, where everyone fears and respects him. Every omega wants to warm his bed. He is used to having omegas beg to have his cock. But not this one. And that made him angry. Angry enough to look at the omega in front of him in distaste.

"Get lost." He muttered with the smirk still present and his eyes blatantly showcased his distaste towards the omega. Louis reeled back as if the words physically hurt him. He let his tears fall some more before roughly wiping at his cheeks. He looked directly into the alpha's eyes for the last time before turning around. He found Lanosh standing a few metres away, shaking like a leaf. He must be scared of the vile monster standing behind me. He sighed and made his way towards the car.

When he turned back around, the alpha was still there, watching him like a hawk. He sighed in disappointment and lifted himself up to sit in the car with Lanosh's help. The car's just very high. He huffed, not believing his own statement. The act of someone touching the omega had Harry growling. Inside the car, Louis showed his neck as a response to the growl and Lanosh looked like he had pissed his pants.

Soon, the beta got into the car and they were pulling out of the market. Louis let his head rest on the glass window as he let his tears fall freely. He felt as if everything had been snatched from his hand. He was giddy in the presence of the alpha in the shop. And now, here he was, crying his eyes out. 

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