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Often while walking on a path

I get this feeling

As if your eyes secretly are watching me.

Lanosh, the driver, kept staring at the pair through the rear view mirror, his brown eyes were full of worry for the two omegas who had made it their mission to go out into the city alone. He was a forty three year old beta who had been driving the family around for years now. He was a caring lad, always waiting to serve or be of any help to anyone. Louis was the son of a goddesses, was a god himself, could cure the deadliest of diseases, could make make a heartless fall for him, but he was fragile and naive. The way to the city was a long one. Lanosh's mind was filled with concern for the two omegas happily chatting away. He wished for them to always be happy. After Porul's family passed away, Louis' arrival in his life became his main and only source of happiness. He couldn't even imagine what would happen if this angel is snatched from him.

"Lanny" Niall yapped making Lanosh come back to earth. He hummed. "Where were you lost? You planning on killing us all? What happened, wife ain't letting you live?" Niall smirked. Lanosh was used to his sass and had grown fond of it even, so he just served a playful eye roll as a reply. Louis, however, wasn't very accepting. So if Niall got a little pinch on the side, which wasn't hurtful, as a punishment for being so brash, then nobody had to know.


As the car rolled up to the front gate of where the market is to start from. Lanosh got out of the car and opened the door for the omegas to come out and finally see what they've been talking about for so long. He feels as if his ears are not going to work the same after this trip. He can already feel them ringing. Sighing, he presses his fingers to his ears to ease the ache. The two omegas, one of which was overly excited to meet people and the other was just staring at the buzzing market all starry eyed, took off as soon as the door was opened. Of course not before getting the instruction to meet Lanosh at the same place in a couple of hours. "Ni!" Was all the blonde heard before he was dragged to the stall full of anklets. 'Of course.' Niall playfully rolled his eyes at his best friends antics.

"Niall what about this one, wait, what do you think about the silver one?" Louis asked. But before Niall could get a second to say anything he was cut off by his fellow omega. "Nope, I want a gold one. What do you think Niall?"

"Louis, gold does it for you, makes your tan skin look delight." Which successfully earned Niall a pinch, this time it did hurt. "Hey! What is it with you and pinches, huh? Mad omega." Niall shook his head and started to comb his hand through Louis' soft auburn strands. The omega leaned into it. He was a sucker for affection.

Niall started to feel a bit woozy as if his heart was calling someone without his knowledge. "Lou Lou, I have to go to the restroom for a bit, stay right here please?" He asked. Louis only nodded in response. His concerned eyes didn't go unnoticed by the blonde. He understood the unasked question. "I'm fine Lou, now promise me you will stay right here till I get back?" This time around Louis did manage to croak out a 'yes'. He was worried for Niall, could feel that he was nervous, but Louis couldn't understand why would he be nervous about going to the washroom?

Niall squeezed Louis' cheeks and went on his way to find the washrooms. Louis just stood there, contemplating whether he should follow and see what exactly was making his best friend nervous. But thought against it when he felt the reassurance coming from Niall. Being able to feel people's emotions was definitely a boon, or was it?  

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