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Bright lights.

Blinding lights.

Long curled lashes fluttered as the one who possessed them tried to open his eyes against the torture of the blazing sun making its strong presence known through the several windows of the room.

The soul link will not, will never stop me from pursuing whichever omega I want to lay with. Louis shook his head to rid himself of the thought.

Not wanting to feel his heart crack again, he got up from his position from on the floor against the bed. His stomach gurgled as he looked around to find two covered trays near the windows. Scratching at his head, he realised he had skipped lunch and dinner yesterday to aid his heart from further damage, which is inevitable, from the alpha. Shortly after the alpha had left, he had kneeled down by his bedside and screamed into his pillow until he had reached the final point of exhaustion. Then sleep had proven a friend and rescued him and his gentle heart.

Laili had come in twice and left his food, just like the alpha had ordered her to do so. He didn't want anyone being close to the omega. She did not try to shake him into consciousness, afraid of going against the alpha's orders and had silently shut the doors to the chamber after putting the trays filled with delicious delicacies.

He went over and lifted the lids of the containers to only wince back once the smell hit him. All the savoury food was ruined, the only food that remained edible were the variety of cupcakes on the plates. He moaned when he took a bite. After skipping the last two meals yesterday, his stomach was relentless in its rumbling and grumbling. He tried to quench his hunger by stuffing his mouth full of delectable cupcakes and realised himself successful after eating the last one.

Rubbing his now full stomach, he went towards the closet and paused to take a careful look at himself. He had tear tracks down his cheeks which now looked pale. His hair might as well be considered a bird's nest. His creased clothes made him look more disheveled than he felt.

Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the bathroom to ready himself for the day ahead.

The two beta guards standing outside his chambers bowed their head whilst keeping their eyes glued to the ground, a sign of respect.

"Would any of you happen to know where I could find Laili." He asked, his voice gentle.

The guards were taken aback by the melodious voice. One of them nodded. "She might be in the kitchen, sir. Shall go fetch her for you?" A very prim response was delivered by the guard.

Louis smiled and shook his head, he voiced his answer after realising the guard's inability to see him since their eyes were still stuck to the floor. The guard told him the directions leading to the kitchen area and the omega was off to go find her personal help, not before bowing his head at them in gratitude, leaving the guards bewildered.

Humming to himself to ignore the painful thump of realisation that his existence was more or less a nuisance for his soulmate, he found himself in the kitchen. The aromatic air surrounded him immediately and his stomach churned in hunger. He cleared his throat to make his presence known to the several omegas working in the spacious kitchen, preparing food in huge utensils.

Clad in a beautiful pink skirt which flowed as he walked and a long sleeved pink blouse. All his upper garments display a sliver of midriff to everyone's prying eyes. Louis isn't the most comfortable showing his body, but the omega doesn't mind his usual garments as this is what he is used to wearing.

"S-sir! Do you need something? Gods, Rua are you done with the breakfast?" Laili was frantic with her movements which made her look a lot like a clumsy child. Other omegas working in the kitchen stopped their work to coo at the childlike giggle that left Louis' soft lips.

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