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I feel like a sailor with no destination in mind

Like one so dependent on his mead to understand a thing

And you are the shore able enough to consume me if I come close

But being away from you will simply destroy the very soul hanging by a thread in me.

So tell me, my lover, what should I do?

Draped in traditional regal clothing, fit for the alpha of the strongest clan, Harry descended down the stairs, his eyes following each detail of the public discussion room where anyone can come and tell the Alpha of their grievances.

The discussion room, or The Liyaar, was full of alphas and betas. Omegas were allowed in only if no alpha or beta were in their family to convey their issues with the alpha. This rule was brought into place by Harry to protect the omegas from the corrupted eyes of the few alphas. The alphas in his clan has rarely ever committed a crime towards omegas, he still doesn't want to take chances though he is sure everyone knows the consequences of crossing boundaries.

Harry motioned with his hand to the crying middle-aged beta clutching his son to his chest to begin telling him his problem. The whole clan revered their pack alpha.

"Alpha, the ten yards that my father bequeathed to me is captured by my brother. That was the only source of bread for us. Please help, alpha." The man cried with his head low, his son's face streaked with tears.


Harry was cut-off by the unforgettable and sometimes haunting beautiful tinkles that followed Louis' every step. The doors attaching the alpha inner house with the Liyaar opened and everybody looked up, their eyes widened upon looking at an omega with the orphan child who is everyone's favourite on her hip, entering the large intimidating room that had no room for delicate omegas.

Following the sweet giggles of the omega when he bounced Faril on his hip. His blood boiled and hands clenched into fists.

The room had fallen silent, the only sound being the giggles of the omega and the child and the heavy breathing of the alpha sitting on the regal chair, his hands clutching the jewelled armrests.

"Louis, no, don't go there." Anne faint voice was heard before she was seen rushing in, trying to stop the omega who was still lost in his made up world of just him and the child being happy to notice the foreign surroundings and the heat of the alpha's stare.

Anne's breath stuttered when she looked at the scene in front of her and the glaring eyes of her son with his sight set on the omega whose attention was still not on his surroundings.

'Oh dear!' Anne thought before she clutched the omega by his arms, effectively bringing the omega's attention back to where he was. Louis' eyes widened when he looked around and his eyes stopped at the fire he saw in Harry's. The intensity of the stare making his knees buckle.

There was a rule broken, not once but twice, since Anne who is an omega as well entered the room after Louis, but Harry didn't utter a word to voice the anger coursing through him upon seeing the alphas and betas in the room taking their visual fill of Louis before they realised who he was and quickly setting their sight down to the shining floor.

Anne rushed to tug Louis's sleeve gently but her eyes screamed urgency. "Louis, let us leave." She whispered.

Louis nodded but his feet felt stuck to the shiny floor, it was as if, the intense green gazing at him has transformed into heavy chains wrapped around his body, so tight that it feels immovable.

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